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Vienna: Religions weaponized
11. April 2024 @ 19:00 - 22:00

The Modi regime, Hindu nationalism, Castist supremacy and their link to Israel
A debate with Rohan, Indian activist for the Palestinian cause
April 11, 7pm
Das Freie Wort, Rögergasse 24-26, 1090 Wien
Zionism, which is increasingly being recognized as a fascist means to colonization, has always found it’s ally in Hindutva – an ideology based on the highly castist control of the masses in India. Since its birth, Hindutva took inspiration from Fascists and Nazi ideologies, later finding common cause with the colonial and racially supremacist project of Zionism.
We explore together their history of inter-dependence – ranging from materiel assistance to ideological inspirations they find in each other to subjugate the masses politically, culturally and economically by increasing hostilities towards minorities.
Initiative Palästina Solidarität