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Israel dreading a democratic Arab world

The Israeli deputy PM expresses his concern over the democratisation of the Arab world, following the dissolution of the Tunisian leadership, by Saleh Naami in Gaza, Saturday 15 Jan … [read more]

West Bank: UN warns of new Israeli controls

By Jon Donnison BBC News, West Bank The Qalandia checkpoint between East Jerusalem and Ramallah has the feel of a permanent border crossing   The United Nations says it is increasingly concerned that Israel is about to tighten access restrictions to the occupied … [read more]

Gaza: Two Years after The Horror!

by Haidar Eid, Wednesday, December 22, 2010 This week marks the second anniversary of the horror inflicted on the people of the Gaza Strip. Nothing has changed! Gaza has returned to its pre-invasion state of siege, confronted with the usual international indifference. Two … [read more]

Role of Israeli firms raises boycott concerns about Rawabi

Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 30 December 2010 The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) in Palestine, has expressed its concern following reports that Israeli companies have been contracted to take part in the construction of Rawabi, an already … [read more]

The first Asian convoy that plans to break Israel's siege of Gaza has reached Syria

22/12/2010 The first Asian convoy that plans to break Israel's siege of Gaza has reached Syria, reaffirming its objective of displaying solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. The Asian People's Solidarity with Palestine convoy, also known as Asia 1, which is currently … [read more]

Israel Reduces Wheat Supply to the Gaza Strip: Food Security in Gaza at Greater Risk as Israeli Siege Continues

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, December 13, 2010 The Israeli authorities have reduced the amounts of wheat allowed into the Gaza Strip. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), lower quantities of wheat grain and animal … [read more]

“Ethnic cleansing in Palestine and the right of return for Palestinians”

Speech by Ilan Pappe, held at the Palestine Solidarity Conference Stuttgart, November 26-28 2010 Transcribed by Claudine Fähndrich, BDS Switzerland http://www.silviacattori.net/article1429.html   I begin by thanking all the organizers; I know it took quite a lot … [read more]

Egypt halts full aid delivery to Gaza

Wed Jan 5, 2011 5:39PM http://www.presstv.ir/detail/158808.html Egypt has imposed heavy restrictions on an Asian aid convoy, which is seeking to break a crippling Israeli blockade on the impoverished Gaza Strip. Egyptian authorities have prevented some convoy members, … [read more]

Witnesses/Stories to be heard on 2nd Palestine Memorial Week

15-22 Jan 2011, Introduction of Speakers, by PRC The 2nd Palestine Memorial Week in the UK and Europe will take place as planned from 15th to 22nd Jan 2011. A number of events will take place during the week. Events will be held in various cities with galleries, workshops and … [read more]

Canadian Boat to Gaza campaign is legal, ethical, and necessary

by David Heap and Derrick O'Keefe* http://www.straight.com/article-366611/vancouver/david-heap-and-derrick-okeefe-canadian-boat-gaza-campaign-legal-ethical-and-necessary     The Canadian Boat to Gaza initiative continues to be a target for a smear campaign … [read more]

Gaza Health Ministry: 137 of required medicines out of stock

Palestinian Information Center, December 13, 2010 GAZA, (PIC)-- The ministry of health in Gaza warned Monday that 137 types of medicine and 150 of essential medical supplies are out of stock in Gaza, among those supplies are drugs used to treat cancer and kidney … [read more]

Bill would deny security suspects access to lawyers for up to a year

If passed, the bill would authorize the prison director to prevent a detainee from meeting with an attorney for up to seven days, instead of the current maximum period of 24 hours. By Jonathan Lis The Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill yesterday that would … [read more]

Israel dreading a democratic Arab world

The Israeli deputy PM expresses his concern over the democratisation of the Arab world, following the dissolution of the Tunisian leadership, by Saleh Naami in Gaza, Saturday 15 Jan 2011 http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/3926/World/Region/Israel-dreading-a-democratic-Arab-world.aspx     (Reuters)     The fall of Tunisia’s regime headed by Zine El … [read more]

“Ethnic cleansing in Palestine and the right of return for Palestinians”

Speech by Ilan Pappe, held at the Palestine Solidarity Conference Stuttgart, November 26-28 2010 Transcribed by Claudine Fähndrich, BDS Switzerland http://www.silviacattori.net/article1429.html   I begin by thanking all the organizers; I know it took quite a lot of efforts to bring us all together. It is a great achievement, and as Mazen and Eider mentioned, and Lubna, yesterday, … [read more]

West Bank: UN warns of new Israeli controls

By Jon Donnison BBC News, West Bank The Qalandia checkpoint between East Jerusalem and Ramallah has the feel of a permanent border crossing   The United Nations says it is increasingly concerned that Israel is about to tighten access restrictions to the occupied West Bank.     It has been briefing aid agencies that Israel could soon increase restrictions and … [read more]

Egypt halts full aid delivery to Gaza

Wed Jan 5, 2011 5:39PM http://www.presstv.ir/detail/158808.html Egypt has imposed heavy restrictions on an Asian aid convoy, which is seeking to break a crippling Israeli blockade on the impoverished Gaza Strip. Egyptian authorities have prevented some convoy members, including Iranians and some Jordanians, from crossing into the besieged Palestinian territory and have refused to allow the … [read more]

Gaza: Two Years after The Horror!

by Haidar Eid, Wednesday, December 22, 2010 This week marks the second anniversary of the horror inflicted on the people of the Gaza Strip. Nothing has changed! Gaza has returned to its pre-invasion state of siege, confronted with the usual international indifference. Two years after the Israeli assault that lasted 22 long days and dark nights, during which its brave people were left alone to … [read more]

Witnesses/Stories to be heard on 2nd Palestine Memorial Week

15-22 Jan 2011, Introduction of Speakers, by PRC The 2nd Palestine Memorial Week in the UK and Europe will take place as planned from 15th to 22nd Jan 2011. A number of events will take place during the week. Events will be held in various cities with galleries, workshops and film screening taking place in universities and public places. So far, more than 26 cities and universities will … [read more]

Role of Israeli firms raises boycott concerns about Rawabi

Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 30 December 2010 The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) in Palestine, has expressed its concern following reports that Israeli companies have been contracted to take part in the construction of Rawabi, an already controversial Qatari-financed Palestinian real estate development in the occupied West Bank.     Rawabi … [read more]

Canadian Boat to Gaza campaign is legal, ethical, and necessary

by David Heap and Derrick O'Keefe* http://www.straight.com/article-366611/vancouver/david-heap-and-derrick-okeefe-canadian-boat-gaza-campaign-legal-ethical-and-necessary     The Canadian Boat to Gaza initiative continues to be a target for a smear campaign that has little regard for law or facts. Rather incredibly, the executive of the University of British Columbia’s Alma … [read more]

The first Asian convoy that plans to break Israel's siege of Gaza has reached Syria

22/12/2010 The first Asian convoy that plans to break Israel's siege of Gaza has reached Syria, reaffirming its objective of displaying solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. The Asian People's Solidarity with Palestine convoy, also known as Asia 1, which is currently joined by activists of 15 different nationalities, began its journey from India and traveled through Pakistan, Iran and … [read more]

Gaza Health Ministry: 137 of required medicines out of stock

Palestinian Information Center, December 13, 2010 GAZA, (PIC)-- The ministry of health in Gaza warned Monday that 137 types of medicine and 150 of essential medical supplies are out of stock in Gaza, among those supplies are drugs used to treat cancer and kidney patients.   The ministry's pharmaceutical director is calling on the ministry's counterpart in Ramallah to release to the … [read more]

Israel Reduces Wheat Supply to the Gaza Strip: Food Security in Gaza at Greater Risk as Israeli Siege Continues

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, December 13, 2010 The Israeli authorities have reduced the amounts of wheat allowed into the Gaza Strip. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), lower quantities of wheat grain and animal feed have been allowed to enter Gaza during the past few months. Between January and May 2010 the 64,237 tons were allowed … [read more]

Bill would deny security suspects access to lawyers for up to a year

If passed, the bill would authorize the prison director to prevent a detainee from meeting with an attorney for up to seven days, instead of the current maximum period of 24 hours. By Jonathan Lis The Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill yesterday that would allow the state to prevent detainees suspected of security offenses from meeting with an attorney for up to one … [read more]


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