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Christmas Tree Consists of Walls, Wires, Gas Bombs

It’s a Christmas tree, but it differs from the traditional one this year. It holds a clear political message reflecting the suffering of Palestine under the Israeli occupation. It’s a Christmas tree, but it differs from the traditional one this year. It holds a clear … [read more]

Press Release: Third Palestine Memorial Week 2012

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with other British organizations including Student societies, will launch the Third Palestine Memorial Week from 16th –23rd of January 2012 The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with other British … [read more]

Gaza Boats Seized, but “Freedom Waves” Will Continue

by Ramzy Baroud / November 11th, 2011 Another mission accomplished, or so it seems. Israeli navy ships have managed to thwart yet another civil society ‘provocation’ (as described by a spokesman for the Israel Embassy in Dublin, Irish Times, November … [read more]

Israel Navy tracks new Gaza-bound flotilla

Two ships leave Turkey carrying between 20 to 30 pro-Palestinian activists; IDF says plans to intercept vessels, offer them to dock at Ashdod or port in Egypt. By Anshel Pfeffer Tags: Gaza Gaza flotilla IDF … [read more]

Register now for the next Viva Palestina convoy to Gaza!

Almost three years after the Israeli Operation Cast Lead killed over 1,400 Palestinians, the situation for most Gazans remains dire, with unemployment, shortages of medical supplies and much else essential to secure minimum living standards.     The sixth aid … [read more]

Israeli Troops Break Into Asqalan, Nahfa Prisons

by Saed Bannoura, October 04, 2011, http://www.imemc.org/article/62175 In an attempt to prevent the detainees’ hunger strike from spreading to all Israeli prisons and detention facilities, undercover forces of the Israeli Army broke into the Asqalan and Nafha … [read more]

If Jesus were to come this year, Betlehem would be closed

A strip of settlements built on what was northern Bethlehem threatens to cut the city off from its historic twin, Jerusalem If Joseph and Mary were making their way to Bethlehem today, the Christmas story would be a little different, says Father Ibrahim Shomali, a parish … [read more]

Why is an Israeli soldier worth more than a Palestinian child?

Dana Halawa, The Electronic Intifada, 8 November 2011 Not one Palestinian child detainee in Israeli jails was released during the prisoner swap last month. More than 160 remain behind bars. (Yousef Deeb/APA images) I have read countless articles and watched numerous videos … [read more]

Palestinian youth join boats set to challenge Israel’s siege of Gaza

Irish and Canadian boats in international waters on their way to challenge illegal siege policy. Palestinian activists call for end to international complicity in Israel’s crimes. Support actions taking place throughout the West Bank and inside Israel [Ramallah] Two … [read more]

Do not forget Gaza

We are waiting for your boats at our shores - Call from Gaza to the People of Conscience worldwide to break the Israeli Blockade We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, are calling on the world: enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the illegal … [read more]

Declaration of hunger strike in Haifa, in solidarity with the Palestinian Captive Movement

Their hunger is ours It has been two week since the declaration of the hunger strike by the prisoners of our people. This strike is set to protest the detention in the most despicable conditions possible. The time to establish a decisive stance of support has come. The time … [read more]

Witnessing the Censored Exhibit: "A Child's View from Gaza"

by Mona Damluji, October 3, 2011, www.uruknet.de A Child’s View from Gaza. 917 Washington Street, Oakland, CA. Currently on view.   A Child’s View from Gaza, a traveling exhibit of the artwork of Palestinian children living in the Gaza Strip, opened in downtown … [read more]

Christmas Tree Consists of Walls, Wires, Gas Bombs

It’s a Christmas tree, but it differs from the traditional one this year. It holds a clear political message reflecting the suffering of Palestine under the Israeli occupation. It’s a Christmas tree, but it differs from the traditional one this year. It holds a clear political message reflecting the suffering of Palestine under the Israeli occupation. It’s a message for the world to wake … [read more]

If Jesus were to come this year, Betlehem would be closed

A strip of settlements built on what was northern Bethlehem threatens to cut the city off from its historic twin, Jerusalem If Joseph and Mary were making their way to Bethlehem today, the Christmas story would be a little different, says Father Ibrahim Shomali, a parish priest in the town. The couple would struggle to get into the city, let alone find a hotel room. "If Jesus were to come … [read more]

Press Release: Third Palestine Memorial Week 2012

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with other British organizations including Student societies, will launch the Third Palestine Memorial Week from 16th –23rd of January 2012 The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with other British organizations including Student societies, will launch the Third Palestine Memorial Week from 16th –23rd of January 2012,  … [read more]

Why is an Israeli soldier worth more than a Palestinian child?

Dana Halawa, The Electronic Intifada, 8 November 2011 Not one Palestinian child detainee in Israeli jails was released during the prisoner swap last month. More than 160 remain behind bars. (Yousef Deeb/APA images) I have read countless articles and watched numerous videos about Gilad Shalit being reunited with his family five years after his abduction. One typical report noted he was … [read more]

Gaza Boats Seized, but “Freedom Waves” Will Continue

by Ramzy Baroud / November 11th, 2011 Another mission accomplished, or so it seems. Israeli navy ships have managed to thwart yet another civil society ‘provocation’ (as described by a spokesman for the Israel Embassy in Dublin, Irish Times, November 4).     Thus the 27 activists from nine countries aboard two boats were rounded up and hauled, along with their … [read more]

Palestinian youth join boats set to challenge Israel’s siege of Gaza

Irish and Canadian boats in international waters on their way to challenge illegal siege policy. Palestinian activists call for end to international complicity in Israel’s crimes. Support actions taking place throughout the West Bank and inside Israel [Ramallah] Two civilian boats, the Canadian Tahrir (Liberation), and the Irish Saoirse (Freedom), carrying 27 people from nine countries, are … [read more]

Israel Navy tracks new Gaza-bound flotilla

Two ships leave Turkey carrying between 20 to 30 pro-Palestinian activists; IDF says plans to intercept vessels, offer them to dock at Ashdod or port in Egypt. By Anshel Pfeffer Tags: Gaza Gaza flotilla IDF http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-navy-tracks-new-gaza-bound-flotilla-1.393365 The Israeli Navy is tracking two ships, believed be part of a new flotilla to Gaza, that … [read more]

Do not forget Gaza

We are waiting for your boats at our shores - Call from Gaza to the People of Conscience worldwide to break the Israeli Blockade We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, are calling on the world: enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the illegal closure on the Gaza Strip must end.  While attention is focused on the Palestinian bid for statehood in the UN do not … [read more]

Register now for the next Viva Palestina convoy to Gaza!

Almost three years after the Israeli Operation Cast Lead killed over 1,400 Palestinians, the situation for most Gazans remains dire, with unemployment, shortages of medical supplies and much else essential to secure minimum living standards.     The sixth aid convoy organised by Viva Palestina is aiming to enter Gaza in time to commemorate the onslaught on the people of Gaza … [read more]

Declaration of hunger strike in Haifa, in solidarity with the Palestinian Captive Movement

Their hunger is ours It has been two week since the declaration of the hunger strike by the prisoners of our people. This strike is set to protest the detention in the most despicable conditions possible. The time to establish a decisive stance of support has come. The time to regain the issue of the Palestinian prisoners' movement to the top priority of the struggle of the Palestinian people … [read more]

Israeli Troops Break Into Asqalan, Nahfa Prisons

by Saed Bannoura, October 04, 2011, http://www.imemc.org/article/62175 In an attempt to prevent the detainees’ hunger strike from spreading to all Israeli prisons and detention facilities, undercover forces of the Israeli Army broke into the Asqalan and Nafha prisons. Palestinian detainees in several Israeli prisons started their hunger strike seven days ago, demanding the internationally … [read more]

Witnessing the Censored Exhibit: "A Child's View from Gaza"

by Mona Damluji, October 3, 2011, www.uruknet.de A Child’s View from Gaza. 917 Washington Street, Oakland, CA. Currently on view.   A Child’s View from Gaza, a traveling exhibit of the artwork of Palestinian children living in the Gaza Strip, opened in downtown Oakland, California this week as scheduled, despite the fact that the Museum of Children’s Art in Oakland (MOCHA) … [read more]


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