Since last Monday, the Rafah crossing, the border between Gaza and Egypt is open and will be still open today, a situation that never happened since 3 years, and we hope it will not be closed again.
Thousands people crossed the border and get in and out Gaza.
It is always a mess but the situation is better than last month, June 27, 28 & 29th, when the border has been opened.
Some people are still denied to enter. ...
By Werner Lange, July 25, 2009
This was my first trip to the Middle East, and it was an eye-opener as well as heart-breaker. It was an unforgettable experience filled with the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Let me start with the good.
Our delegation of some 200 persons was a good one, a very good one, which consisted not only of Americans from every walk of life and every section of the country, but also a Canadian ...
Iraq war veteran and ANSWER Coalition representative Michael Prysner shares his experience as a member of the Viva Palestina delegation to Gaza.
Before our arrival in Gaza, British MP George Galloway asked his Palestinian contacts there what they needed the most. Among other things, they said they needed vehicles, medical aid and school supplies. But the number one thing that they needed, the one thing they wanted above all else, was us. They wanted to ...
The Viva Palestina U.S. convoy faced one obstacle after another, but ultimately succeeded in breaking the blockade and entering Gaza with vital aid for the besieged Palestian population.
The Egyptian government has closely collaborated with Israel’s suffocating and criminal blockade for more than two years, and set up a broad range of administrative obstacles that delayed our group’s entry into Gaza.
Our delegation was required to ...
Written by Free Gaza Team | 06 July 2009
“The landing of two wooden boats carrying human rights activists in Gaza is an important symbolic victory ... Above all, what is being tested is whether the imaginative engagement of dedicated private citizens can influence the struggle of a beleaguered people for basic human rights, and whether their courage and commitment can awaken the conscience of humanity to an unfolding tragedy.”
- Richard Falk, UN ...
Press Release 14th July 2009
Palestine Return Centre (PRC) expressed deep anxiety towards Israeli practises in occupied Palestinian territories. International laws, UN resolutions, International court of justice, 4th Geneva conventions and many other charters are being repeatedly and clearly violated by Israel which is meet with a lamentable silence by the International community as well as the Arab and the Muslim world.
With the coming of ...