Israel setzt mit Blockade Hungermord fort, bricht Waffenstillstand
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Palestinians seek new Leadership, independence

Gaza, October 8, 2009 (Pal Telegraph) Gaza, October 8, 2009 (Pal Telegraph) - Palestinian Return Center (PRC) held an urgent meeting in London, yesterday evening, to discuss the consequences of the withdrawal of the Goldstone report before submitting it to UN Human Rights Council of the United Nations. The meeting also discussed the needed and required Palestinian united position in response. A number of Palestinian Organizations, politicians and ...

Mahmoud Abbas' chronic submissiveness

By Amira Hass, from In a single phone call to his man in Geneva, Mahmoud Abbas has demonstrated his disregard for popular action, and his lack of faith in itsaccumulative power and the place of mass movements in processes of change.   For nine months, thousands of people - Palestinians, their supporters abroad and Israeli anti-occupation activists - toiled to ensure that the legacy of Israel's ...

Update: Toronto Declaration - No Celebration of Occupation

Support for the ‘Toronto Declaration – No Celebration of Occupation’ has been tremendous. We sincerely thank every individual and organization that has joined in our efforts. Support for the ‘Toronto Declaration – No Celebration of Occupation’ has been tremendous. We sincerely thank every individual and organization that has joined in our efforts. We also wanted to share some important updates with you regarding the Toronto ...

IAEA condemns Tel Aviv over secret nuclear programmes

from:, 18.9.2009 The general conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has passed a resolution condemning Israel over its secretive nuclear weapons programme for the first time since 1991. The IAEA called on Tel Aviv to accede to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and to put its entire nuclear programme under IAEA inspections. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is not a ...

UN: strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict

UNITED NATIONS Press Release, UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict; calls for end to impunity 15 September 2009   NEW YORK / GENEVA – The UN Fact-Finding Mission led by Justice Richard Goldstone on Tuesday released its long-awaited report on the Gaza conflict, in which it concluded there is evidence indicating serious violations of international human ...

Compromising for Gaza without compromising Palestine

Gabriel Ash, Mich Levy and Sara Kershnar, The Electronic Intifada, 9 September 2009 International efforts in solidarity with Gaza must not ignore Palestine's history and Palestinians' full demands. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)   One result of CODEPINK's delegation to the Gaza Strip in May was the idea to organize a large march through the territory with a significant international presence including well-known personalities. In the spirit of ...

Palestinians seek new Leadership, independence

Gaza, October 8, 2009 (Pal Telegraph) Gaza, October 8, 2009 (Pal Telegraph) - Palestinian Return Center (PRC) held an urgent meeting in London, yesterday evening, to discuss the consequences of the withdrawal of the Goldstone report before submitting it to UN Human Rights Council of the United Nations. The meeting also discussed the needed and required Palestinian united position in response. ...

Mahmoud Abbas' chronic submissiveness

By Amira Hass, from In a single phone call to his man in Geneva, Mahmoud Abbas has demonstrated his disregard for popular action, and his lack of faith in itsaccumulative power and the place of mass movements in processes of change.   For nine months, thousands of people - Palestinians, their supporters abroad and Israeli ...

Update: Toronto Declaration - No Celebration of Occupation

Support for the ‘Toronto Declaration – No Celebration of Occupation’ has been tremendous. We sincerely thank every individual and organization that has joined in our efforts. Support for the ‘Toronto Declaration – No Celebration of Occupation’ has been tremendous. We sincerely thank every individual and organization that has joined in our efforts. We also wanted to share some ...

IAEA condemns Tel Aviv over secret nuclear programmes

from:, 18.9.2009 The general conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has passed a resolution condemning Israel over its secretive nuclear weapons programme for the first time since 1991. The IAEA called on Tel Aviv to accede to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and to put its entire nuclear programme under IAEA ...

UN: strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict

UNITED NATIONS Press Release, UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict; calls for end to impunity 15 September 2009   NEW YORK / GENEVA – The UN Fact-Finding Mission led by Justice Richard Goldstone on Tuesday released its long-awaited report on the Gaza conflict, in which it concluded there is ...

Compromising for Gaza without compromising Palestine

Gabriel Ash, Mich Levy and Sara Kershnar, The Electronic Intifada, 9 September 2009 International efforts in solidarity with Gaza must not ignore Palestine's history and Palestinians' full demands. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)   One result of CODEPINK's delegation to the Gaza Strip in May was the idea to organize a large march through the territory with a significant international ...


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