The Palestinian people have the human right to self-determination −− and thus also the human right to political representation.
We received this statement from Palestine Solidarity Austria. To understand the importance of the current developments, one should be aware that Austria, a country of 9 million residents of whom 17% are non-citizens, had been neutral regarding military pacts since the end of World War II. That means that even though it was ...
Declaration of Palestine-Solidarity Austria
We demand a fundamental change of course from our federal government
Palestine-Solidarity condemns the attack in Vienna of November 2, 2020 and mourns the victims.
The question of causes and consequences must not be ignored however. The perpetrator came from Austria, is a citizen, grew up and went to school here, etc. This highlights the growing socio-cultural segregation of our ...
by Peter Unterweger, former Head of Automotive Department of the International Metalworks Union (IMB)
Jeremy Corbyn, a long-time left-wing rear bencher, was elected to head the Labour Party in 2015 as a result of the wide-ranging disappointments of neoliberal Blair policies, strong growth of Labour membership due to left-wing organizing campaigns and earlier party reforms, which had empowered regular party members to elect the leader. The new ...
Dareen Tatour is a Palestinian poet from Al-Reineh near Nazareth in the Galilee.
Dareen Tatour is a Palestinian poet from Al-Reineh near Nazareth in the Galilee.
She was arrested on October 10, 2015, spent more than 3 months in prison and is now held “deported” in house arrest under harsh conditions.
Her trial, for a poem and few posts on Facebook, started on Wednesday, April 13.
The case didn’t receive adequate public ...
PRESS RELEASE: 2014-08-12 11:02
Responding to the Israeli aggression and the complicity of world governments
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) met in Istanbul in the shadow of the latest Israeli aggression on Gaza. We have watched atrocities being committed against an already besieged population. In the two day meeting (August 10th and 11th), the FFC concluded that it is the responsibility of civil society worldwide to sail to Gaza ...