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New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks genetic mutations

New Weapons Committe, PRESS RELEASE - 2010 May 11th Source&tables: http://www.uruknet.de/?s1=1&p=65920&s2=13 Toxic and carcinogenic metals, able to produce genetic mutations, have been found in the tissues of people wounded in Gaza during Israeli military … [read more]

Comrade Sa'adat: End Occupation in All of Historic Palestine

by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/pflp100510.html Ahmad Sa'adatComrade Ahmad Sa'adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, denounced any negotiations with the occupation, … [read more]

PRC Report on Israeli Mass Expulsion

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in London issues a report on the recent Israeli order of mass expulsion. Briefing on the Israeli Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment No. 2) and the Order regarding Security Provisions (Amendment No. 112) passed on … [read more]

Israeli couple loses court battle to rent house to arab friends

PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity) # 480, April 23, 2010 Three years ago an Israeli Jewish couple, Natalie and Weisman Zakai, offered to rent their home to their Israeli Bedouin friends Ahmed and Khalas Tarabin. The Tarabins could not afford to buy a new house. They were … [read more]

Goldstone banned by SA Zionists

Goldstone faced much criticism from Zionists after he led investigations into the attacks on Gaza http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2010/04/2010415145423264829.html Richard Goldstone, a former South African judge, has been effectively banned from attending his … [read more]

Jerusalem Mayor Wants More Palestinian Homes Demolished

Saed Bannoura, http://www.uruknet.de/?p=65086 April 14, 2010 - IMEMC & Agencies   Jerusalem Mayor, Nir Barkat, issued orders instructing municipality engineers to demolish more Palestinian homes at a number of neighborhoods in Silwan town in East … [read more]

Ship to Gaza threatened by Israel - and supported by Turkey's prime minister. How will Sweden and the EU act?

Press release 13/05/2010 According to several Israeli and Palestinian media, Israel will not hesitate to use violence to prevent the solidarity convoy Freedom Flotilla to reach Gaza. Ship to Gaza - Sweden has asked for a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, … [read more]

Haifa Conference: Program Outline

To the participants in the 2nd Haifa Conference For the return of Palestinian refugees And for the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine Haifa, Al-Midan Theater, 28-30/5/2010 The preparatory committee is welcoming all those interested in participating in the … [read more]

A flotilla to break Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza

Arafat Shoukri: “Conditions are ripe to make this flotilla the ‘tipping point’“ by Silvia Cattori, http://www.uruknet.de/?p=65425 April 26, 2010   A coalition bringing together a number of organizations is preparing to send in May 2010 a relief … [read more]

Declaration of the Preparatory Committee Of the Second Haifa Conference

For the Return of the Palestinian Refugees And the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine Endorsed by the committee in its meeting in Jaffa, 9/4/2010 The Preparatory Committee The preparatory committee is a group of activists and individuals from different political … [read more]

Cairo Institute for Human Right Studies strenuously condemns ethnic cleansing in Israel

Press release: International community must act against policies of ethnic cleansing or the Palestinians will become a minority in their occupied homeland 14/04/2010 The Cairo Institute for Human Right Studies strenuously condemns and is gravely concerned about a military … [read more]

Did Banned Media Report Foretell of Gaza War Crimes?

By Jonathan Cook, http://www.uruknet.de/?p=65089 Israeli media coverage is largely hostile to Kamm and Blau for exposing war crimes.   Nazareth, April 14, 2010   An Arab member of the Israeli parliament is demanding that a newspaper be allowed to publish … [read more]

New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks genetic mutations

New Weapons Committe, PRESS RELEASE - 2010 May 11th Source&tables: http://www.uruknet.de/?s1=1&p=65920&s2=13 Toxic and carcinogenic metals, able to produce genetic mutations, have been found in the tissues of people wounded in Gaza during Israeli military operations of 2006 and 2009. The research has been carried out on wounds provoked by weapons that did not leave fragments … [read more]

Ship to Gaza threatened by Israel - and supported by Turkey's prime minister. How will Sweden and the EU act?

Press release 13/05/2010 According to several Israeli and Palestinian media, Israel will not hesitate to use violence to prevent the solidarity convoy Freedom Flotilla to reach Gaza. Ship to Gaza - Sweden has asked for a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Carl Bildt, and see how Sweden and the EU intend to protect the humanitarian, peaceful and completely legal … [read more]

Comrade Sa'adat: End Occupation in All of Historic Palestine

by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/pflp100510.html Ahmad Sa'adatComrade Ahmad Sa'adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, denounced any negotiations with the occupation, saying that "the solution to the critical historical conflict in the Middle East will only be the establishment of one … [read more]

Haifa Conference: Program Outline

To the participants in the 2nd Haifa Conference For the return of Palestinian refugees And for the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine Haifa, Al-Midan Theater, 28-30/5/2010 The preparatory committee is welcoming all those interested in participating in the conference.   As preparations to the conference are progressing, we update our welcome letter with more details of … [read more]

PRC Report on Israeli Mass Expulsion

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in London issues a report on the recent Israeli order of mass expulsion. Briefing on the Israeli Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment No. 2) and the Order regarding Security Provisions (Amendment No. 112) passed on Tuesday April 26th 2010. Behind the euphuism ‘prevention of Infiltration' lies a truth which Israeli officials are trying … [read more]

A flotilla to break Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza

Arafat Shoukri: “Conditions are ripe to make this flotilla the ‘tipping point’“ by Silvia Cattori, http://www.uruknet.de/?p=65425 April 26, 2010   A coalition bringing together a number of organizations is preparing to send in May 2010 a relief flotilla of more than ten ships and cargo-boats to Gaza. Dr. Arafat Shoukri, president of the European Campaign to End the … [read more]

Israeli couple loses court battle to rent house to arab friends

PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity) # 480, April 23, 2010 Three years ago an Israeli Jewish couple, Natalie and Weisman Zakai, offered to rent their home to their Israeli Bedouin friends Ahmed and Khalas Tarabin. The Tarabins could not afford to buy a new house. They were living with relatives because their house had burnt down in early 2007, killing one of their … [read more]

Declaration of the Preparatory Committee Of the Second Haifa Conference

For the Return of the Palestinian Refugees And the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine Endorsed by the committee in its meeting in Jaffa, 9/4/2010 The Preparatory Committee The preparatory committee is a group of activists and individuals from different political movements and parties, human rights organizations, civil society and various sectors of public life such as the arts, … [read more]

Goldstone banned by SA Zionists

Goldstone faced much criticism from Zionists after he led investigations into the attacks on Gaza http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2010/04/2010415145423264829.html Richard Goldstone, a former South African judge, has been effectively banned from attending his grandson's bar mitzvah which is to be held in Johannesburg next month.   Goldstone, who authored a UN report … [read more]

Cairo Institute for Human Right Studies strenuously condemns ethnic cleansing in Israel

Press release: International community must act against policies of ethnic cleansing or the Palestinians will become a minority in their occupied homeland 14/04/2010 The Cairo Institute for Human Right Studies strenuously condemns and is gravely concerned about a military ordered issued by the Israeli occupation authorities six months ago that has just gone into effect. The order threatens … [read more]

Jerusalem Mayor Wants More Palestinian Homes Demolished

Saed Bannoura, http://www.uruknet.de/?p=65086 April 14, 2010 - IMEMC & Agencies   Jerusalem Mayor, Nir Barkat, issued orders instructing municipality engineers to demolish more Palestinian homes at a number of neighborhoods in Silwan town in East Jerusalem.   The municipality will start the demolishing of Palestinian homes in Silwan on Wednesday and could also … [read more]

Did Banned Media Report Foretell of Gaza War Crimes?

By Jonathan Cook, http://www.uruknet.de/?p=65089 Israeli media coverage is largely hostile to Kamm and Blau for exposing war crimes.   Nazareth, April 14, 2010   An Arab member of the Israeli parliament is demanding that a newspaper be allowed to publish an investigative report that was suppressed days before Israel attacked Gaza in winter 2008.     The … [read more]


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