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Palestinian civil society reaffirms support for persecuted French activists

Occupied Palestine, 23 November 2010 The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) urges the French government to immediately cease all undemocratic, repressive measures against its own conscientious citizens who promote or engage in non-violent … [read more]

’No Rights’ for Palestinian Labourers in Settlement Industrial Zones

Sophie Crowe, Palestine Monitor, November 15, 2010 High unemployment and restrictions on travel into Israel have forced 25,000 labourers into working on Israeli-owned industrial zones in the West Bank. Beyond the reach of PA control, these workers are exploited by their … [read more]

John Ging: Conditions in Gaza have not changed since Israel declared it would ease the blockade

Middle East Monitor, November 11, 2010 The Director of Operation for the UN Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA] in the Gaza Strip, John Ging, has confirmed that "no tangible change" has occurred to the lives of Gaza's people since Israel announced it would ease its economic … [read more]

The Palestinians of Israel are poised to take centre stage

by Seumas Milne, November 11, 2010 With the peace process going nowhere, common experience on both sides of the Green Line is creating a new reality In a quiet street in the Sheikh Jarrah district of occupied East Jerusalem 88-year-old Rifka al-Kurd is explaining how she came … [read more]

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister fears arrest in London, cancels trip

PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity) # 508, Nov 5th, 2010 Israel’s Intelligence and Atomic Energy Minister Dan Meridor cancelled a visit to London England on Monday, after receiving information that he might face a lawsuit or an arrest warrant upon arrival.   The … [read more]

Russell Tribunal on Palestine - London session on corporate complicity

20-22 November - Registration now open Registration is now open: http://www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com/en/register-for-the-london-session London session, November 2010     London proposal document     After establishing the … [read more]

Israel passes land-for-peace law

Bill stipulates a two-thirds Knesset majority or a referendum on any potential land-for-peace deal concluded with Arabs. AlJazeera.net; November 22, 2010 Israel's parliament, backed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has approved a law that requires a two-thirds Knesset … [read more]

PRC hosts releasing “Atlas Palestine” Evening in London

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) held a seminar yesterday, Friday 12th November, in central London to release a comprehensive Atlas of Palestine from 1917-1966. The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) held a seminar yesterday, Friday 12th November, in central London to release … [read more]

Gaza Health Ministry: The strip out of 79 critical drugs

Palestinian Information Center, November 11, 2010 GAZA, (PIC)-- Amid plummeting medical conditions in the Gaza Strip, the territory’s Health Ministry warned Wednesday that around 80 basic drugs have become out of stock.     Dr. Muneer Al-Bursh, the … [read more]

The Oslo Virus and the Struggle for Bantustans

By Haidar Eid - Gaza In 'The Music of the Violin,' a short story by South African writer Njabulo Ndebele, one of the characters comments on the 'concessions' made by the apartheid regime to the indigenous people: "That's how it is planned. That we be given a little of … [read more]

Clashes erupt at Israel march

AlJazeera.net, October 27, 2010 Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinian-Israelis and Israeli police in response to a demonstration by members of a right-wing Jewish group in the town of Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel.   Israeli police fired tear gas at … [read more]

OCHA Report: 1,000 Palestinians Injured By Israeli Forces in 2010

Palestine Monitor, November 1, 2010 The Office for The Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Protection of Civilians report announced this week that 1,000 Palestinians have now been injured by Israeli forces during 2010. The figure is a 38% increase on the last … [read more]

Palestinian civil society reaffirms support for persecuted French activists

Occupied Palestine, 23 November 2010 The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) urges the French government to immediately cease all undemocratic, repressive measures against its own conscientious citizens who promote or engage in non-violent boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel until it complies with international law. The BNC also … [read more]

Israel passes land-for-peace law

Bill stipulates a two-thirds Knesset majority or a referendum on any potential land-for-peace deal concluded with Arabs. AlJazeera.net; November 22, 2010 Israel's parliament, backed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has approved a law that requires a two-thirds Knesset majority or a referendum on any potential land-for-peace deal concluded with Arab neighbours.     The … [read more]

’No Rights’ for Palestinian Labourers in Settlement Industrial Zones

Sophie Crowe, Palestine Monitor, November 15, 2010 High unemployment and restrictions on travel into Israel have forced 25,000 labourers into working on Israeli-owned industrial zones in the West Bank. Beyond the reach of PA control, these workers are exploited by their Israeli employers.   "The settlement factories are manned primarily by Palestinian labourers, who work in … [read more]

PRC hosts releasing “Atlas Palestine” Evening in London

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) held a seminar yesterday, Friday 12th November, in central London to release a comprehensive Atlas of Palestine from 1917-1966. The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) held a seminar yesterday, Friday 12th November, in central London to release a comprehensive Atlas of Palestine from 1917-1966. This is a vital piece of work documenting history, landscape and … [read more]

John Ging: Conditions in Gaza have not changed since Israel declared it would ease the blockade

Middle East Monitor, November 11, 2010 The Director of Operation for the UN Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA] in the Gaza Strip, John Ging, has confirmed that "no tangible change" has occurred to the lives of Gaza's people since Israel announced it would ease its economic blockade of the Strip last June.     Israel's announcement that it would lift some of the restrictions … [read more]

Gaza Health Ministry: The strip out of 79 critical drugs

Palestinian Information Center, November 11, 2010 GAZA, (PIC)-- Amid plummeting medical conditions in the Gaza Strip, the territory’s Health Ministry warned Wednesday that around 80 basic drugs have become out of stock.     Dr. Muneer Al-Bursh, the ministry’s pharmaceutical director wrote to the media: The most important of these drugs are those used in the nursery … [read more]

The Palestinians of Israel are poised to take centre stage

by Seumas Milne, November 11, 2010 With the peace process going nowhere, common experience on both sides of the Green Line is creating a new reality In a quiet street in the Sheikh Jarrah district of occupied East Jerusalem 88-year-old Rifka al-Kurd is explaining how she came to live in the house she and her husband built as Palestinian refugees in the 1950s. As she speaks, three young … [read more]

The Oslo Virus and the Struggle for Bantustans

By Haidar Eid - Gaza In 'The Music of the Violin,' a short story by South African writer Njabulo Ndebele, one of the characters comments on the 'concessions' made by the apartheid regime to the indigenous people: "That's how it is planned. That we be given a little of everything, and so prize the little we have that we forget about freedom."   This is what the endless “peace … [read more]

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister fears arrest in London, cancels trip

PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity) # 508, Nov 5th, 2010 Israel’s Intelligence and Atomic Energy Minister Dan Meridor cancelled a visit to London England on Monday, after receiving information that he might face a lawsuit or an arrest warrant upon arrival.   The Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry notified Meridor that he might face charges connected to his role in the … [read more]

Clashes erupt at Israel march

AlJazeera.net, October 27, 2010 Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinian-Israelis and Israeli police in response to a demonstration by members of a right-wing Jewish group in the town of Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel.   Israeli police fired tear gas at a crowd of Palestinian-Israelis who had gathered to protest against the march by about 70 Our Land of Israel supporters … [read more]

Russell Tribunal on Palestine - London session on corporate complicity

20-22 November - Registration now open Registration is now open: http://www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com/en/register-for-the-london-session London session, November 2010     London proposal document     After establishing the responsibilities and obligations of corporations under international law, this session will assess the conduct of a series of … [read more]

OCHA Report: 1,000 Palestinians Injured By Israeli Forces in 2010

Palestine Monitor, November 1, 2010 The Office for The Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Protection of Civilians report announced this week that 1,000 Palestinians have now been injured by Israeli forces during 2010. The figure is a 38% increase on the last year’s total for the same time frame.     The landmark was reached during the most recent weekly … [read more]


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