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A New Zealand activist and other internationals remain in Gaza hospital threatened by Israeli missiles

For Immediate Release Israel’s army fired five ‘warning’ missiles at El-Wafa geriatric hospital in Gaza City, Gaza. A New Zealand activist and other International volunteers now staying in the hospital in solidarity, have said they, "can hear missiles falling close by". "In attacking el-Wafa rehabilitation hospital, Israel is targeting the most vulnerable patients imaginable - people who are comatose, paralysed, and unable to breathe unassisted,” states New Zealand activist, Huda Julie Webb-Pullman.   The volunteers are citizens of USA, Spain, Sweden, Venezuela, France, ...

Zionists try to stop WSF Free Palestine in Porto Alegre

Zionists are in contact with the mayor of Porto Alegre (PoA) and the governor of Rio Grande do Sul (PoA is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul state) against the World Social Forum Free Palestine. In part they succeed, because now the WSF have lost the Usina do Gasômetro, the place where it would be held. Zionists are in contact with the mayor of Porto Alegre (PoA) and the governor of Rio Grande do Sul (PoA is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul state) against the World Social Forum Free Palestine. In part they succeed, because now the WSF have lost the Usina do Gasômetro, the place where it ...

The great book robbery

How Israel intentionally destroyed the Palestinian cultural heritage, by PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity), # 590, June 1, 2012 Between December 1947 and September 1948, up to 760,000 Palestinians were forced to flee or were violently expelled from Palestine. Their towns and cities were taken over; up to 500 villages were either destroyed or occupied by the Zionists. In recent years, following the declassification of most official political documents of the State of Israel from that time, a new critical consciousness - much of it written in Israel - has emerged about the war's ...

Israeli navy attacks international observers, injures Palestinian, on monitoring boat in Gaza waters

At 10:55 am, an Israeli naval warship attacked the international observers and Palestinian captain of the Civil Peace Service Gaza (CPSGAZA) boat Oliva, injuring its captain in an apparent attempt to capsize it. At 10:55, 29/12/2011, an Israeli naval warship attacked the international observers and Palestinian captain of the Civil Peace Service Gaza (CPSGAZA) boat Oliva, injuring its captain in an apparent attempt to capsize it.   The two international observers, both Italian citizens, are available for media questions or interviews.   "The Israeli navy passed ...


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