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Swift Terror—How the Intelligence and Political establishment exploited an Islamic Terror Hoax

[Igor Böhm via] Austria: Taylor Swift Eras Tour cancellation due to alleged terror threat. (©AP, APA) “Intelligence [agencies] are very flawed institutions: they’re highly ideological, they’re fanatic, they’re racist, and as a result the information that comes through them is usually grossly distorted.” — Noam Chomsky 1 In the early morning hours, a day prior to the Taylor Swift opening concert in Vienna, guarded by an array of road blocks, over 40 law enforcement officers, including the tier one tactical unit COBRA 2, a bomb squad, 3 and a robot dog 4, ...
Austria: Taylor Swift Eras Tour cancellation due to alleged terror threat. (©AP, APA)

Victory for Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah: ELSC and ICJP Overturn Schengen-wide Travel Ban

Berlin, May 15, 2024  Administrative court Potsdam slams German Federal Police Schengen-Information-System entry for Prof. Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah has no legal basis and is to be revoked immediately after an emergency appeal by ELSC lawyer Alexander Gorski with support from lawyers from the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP). This effectively ends the Schengen-area travel ban imposed on Prof. Dr. Abu Sittah by German authorities. He was previously prevented from entering Germany, France and most recently the Netherlands.  The court’s ruling follows ...

Welcome Muslims! Recognize the rights of Palestinians!

Declaration of Palestine-Solidarity Austria We demand a fundamental change of course from our federal government   Palestine-Solidarity condemns the attack in Vienna of November 2, 2020 and mourns the victims.   The question of causes and consequences must not be ignored however. The perpetrator came from Austria, is a citizen, grew up and went to school here, etc. This highlights the growing socio-cultural segregation of our country.  The government likes to use the term "parallel societies" both as a reproach and an accusation. But such social structures are ...

Why the Labour Party ousted Corbyn

by Peter Unterweger, former Head of Automotive Department of the International Metalworks Union (IMB) Jeremy Corbyn, a long-time left-wing rear bencher, was elected to head the Labour Party in 2015 as a result of the wide-ranging disappointments of neoliberal Blair policies, strong growth of Labour membership due to left-wing organizing campaigns and earlier party reforms, which had empowered regular party members to elect the leader. The new leadership and political orientation made tensions with the centrist supporters of Tony Blair, who were still numerous and very influential in ...

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition to Sail to Gaza Again

PRESS RELEASE: 2014-08-12 11:02 Responding to the Israeli aggression and the  complicity of world governments   The Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) met in Istanbul in the shadow of the latest Israeli aggression on Gaza. We have watched atrocities being committed against an already besieged population. In the two day meeting (August 10th and 11th), the FFC concluded that it is the responsibility of civil society worldwide to sail to Gaza and challenge the Israeli blockade, the source of most problems facing the Palestinian population of Gaza.   We plan to sail to ...

Gaza: an urgent call to protect civilian life and health

Source: The Lancet The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 4 August 2014 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61297-6Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.   The Lancet is a general medical journal that publishes research, news, and opinion about all aspects of human health and wellbeing. In situations of war and conflict—such as in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere—our perspective has always been to put the interests of civilian lives ahead of the ...

Gaza's health and humanitarian crisis

by Kristin Solberg source: The Lancet, Volume 384, Issue 9941, Pages 389 - 390, 2 August 2014, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61125-9, Published Online: 31 July 2014 The conflict in Gaza has claimed hundreds of civilian lives and damaged or destroyed numerous health facilities. Kristin Solberg, who was in Gaza at the start of the war, reports.   A broken metal wheelchair stood in the ruins, crushed by the massive force of an explosion, its owner dead or in hospital. Nearby, footprints in blood ...

Candy for Israeli soldiers, cancer for Gaza’s civilians

Source: In an especially grotesque piece of propaganda, an Israeli weapons manufacturer has boasted of distributing candy to soldiers attacking Gaza. Israel Aerospace Industries, the company in question, is a leading supplier of drones to the Israeli military. Such drones are, of course, not bringing candy to Palestinians. They are being used to drop weapons which cause horrific injuries. A new briefing from Al-Haq, a Palestinian human rights group, details how Hellfire rockets ...

Mohamad Al Abadleh: Victim of the Disrespect of the IHL

By: Raed Al Nims Source: PRCS’ volunteer Mohamad Ahmad Al Abadleh (28) did not know he was about to live a nightmare when a distress call came in to the PRCS’ EMS Center where he works about Israeli shelling in Al Karara, an area to the East of Khan Younis. Mohamad joined PRCS as a volunteer four years ago in order to help fellow Palestinians. He took part in Advanced First Aid courses offered by PRCS to its volunteers, and then joined the Society’s Emergency Medical Teams, thinking that one day he will be able to save someone’s ...

Israel’s disrespect of the IHL claims the life of a PRCS’EMT

By Raed Al Nims Source: PRCS’ Emergency Medial Technician (EMT) A’aed Al Bura’i (27) received a call at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday the 26th of July, indicating several civilian casualties in Al Masreen Street to the East of Beit Hanoun. When the call came in through their ambulance radio, A’aed and two of his colleagues were parked close to Al Masreen Street in line with the Emergency Plan implemented by PRCS’ Emergency Center in Northern Gaza, aimed at deploying ambulances in various areas to ensure their speedy access to ...

Two PRCS EMT volunteers killed by the Israeli forces while on duty in Beit Hanoun and Khuzaaha

Source: (Al-Bireh - 25 7 2014) The PRCS condemns the targeting of Israeli occupation forces of two of its EMS teams. One of its ambulances was targeted in the afternoon (Friday- 257)in Beit Hanoun leading to the death of EMT volunteer Aaed Borei, 27 years old, and the wounding of three EMTs causing them moderate injuries. The PRCS equally deplores the targeting of its crews when they tried to recover the body of the killed EMT and evacuate the wounded, although they had been given the green light by occupation forces via the International ...

When An Emergency Medical Technician’s (EMT) Home is Bombed

by Raed el Nems source: “Kindly send an ambulance to the Mu’amar family home in Al Jneineh neighborhood”.   The phone call dropped like a bombshell on PRCS’ EMT Saleh Mu’amar (31) who works at PRCS’ Emergency Medical Services Center in Rafah. The call came at 4:00 a.m. following a day that had left a heavy toll of casualties caused by Israel’s continuous shelling of homes in Rafah Governorate. Alongside other EMTs, Saleh had provided assistance to civilians as part of PRCS’ emergency medical and humanitarian ...


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