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All posts of the category: Allgemein


My democratic values pushed me to renounce Israeli citizenship

Interview with Dalia Sarig, Jewish Palestine solidarity activist I am particularly intrigued by your family history, especially the escape fromNazi Vienna and the subsequent rebuilding of your life in Palestine. Could youtell me more about these experiences and how they shaped your identity? tell me more about these experiences and how they shaped your identity? Remarkably still alive today, my grandmother was born in Vienna in 1929, the eldestof four siblings in a Jewish family. In 1938, my great-grandfather was arrested for thesole crime of being Jewish and subjected to ...

A Letter to Theodor Herzl

The Founder of the Zionist Movement, who died 100 years ago (July 1904)  Dear Dr. Herzl,Allow me to begin with a personal remark: I somehow feel close to your world since my parents came from Germany – they found their way to Palestine thanks to your efforts. Other members of my family were not as impressed by your vision of transforming Palestine into a Jewish state: some stayed in Germany and were killed in the Holocaust; others – indeed the majority – chose England, the USA, or Australia. Your prediction that Jews in Europe were heading towards a terrible disaster proved ...

Int'l call to action: BP and Socar, stop fuelling genocide!

Summary Energy Embargo for Palestine, Filistin İçin Bin Genç and Global Energy Embargo for Palestine are issuing a call to action to groups around the world to act and apply pressure on the actors complicit in fuelling the Israeli genocide via the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. Israel receives around 30% of its oil from Azerbaijan via the BTC pipeline, which it has been using to power its war machine enacting a genocide in Gaza, that is being expanded into Lebanon. The oil fields and pipeline are majority owned by BP, and the second largest shareholder is SOCAR - the Azerbaijani ...

DiePresse — Letter to the Editor (f.a.o. Daniel Green)

[Igor Böhm via—DE] Mr. Daniel Green published an article in Die Presse about “the “Gaza List” […], its extremist narratives, and the wider societal implications of unchecked hate,” mirroring standard orthodoxy present in the Austrian political spectrum, welcoming “thoughts and feedback” on the business and employment-focused social media platform LinkedIn. One essential talent, Mr. Green exhibits in that article, is an exceptional tolerance for contradiction whilst equating the movement’s struggle for peace, ...

Islamic Terror - Austria and Germany’s Favourite Spectre

Igor Böhm According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the lack of security gives rise to an ominous breeding ground for “fear that undermines trust and confidence”. Now that our security is at risk, “freedom, democracy and the rule of law” are in jeopardy, Scholz concludes with solemn concern. “The [recent] knife attack against [a] young police officer [in Mannheim Germany, ] is the expression of a misanthropic ideology and radical Islamism,” and “there is only one term for it [according to Scholz]: terror.” 1 This explains why Scholz was not bothered by the ...

Igor Böhm: Austrian Obligation of Silence on Rafah

„The massacre of innocent people [in Rafah] is a serious matter. It is not a thing to be easily forgotten. It is our duty to cherish their memory.“ — Mahatma Gandhi “No explanation, no justification or excuse could ever cover up [the] horror [in Rafah]. It would be best if Israel’s [hasbara] machine didn’t even try to. No stories of “Hamas is responsible for it all,” and no excuses pointing to Hamas hiding among civilians. Horror of this scope has no explanation other than the existence of an army and government lacking any boundaries set by law or ...

Breaking the Free Speech Exception to Palestine in Austria

Igor Böhm There are many reasons why people take part in calls for peace. Some are here in support of the Palestinian struggle for liberation; some are here because they cannot remain apathetic in light of Israel’s mass murder campaign against women, children, and men exacted on Gaza with the complicity of our government; some are here because they believe in the fundamental moral principle that violence is wrong and aggression against violence is wrong, yet others join because they are increasingly worried by the Austrian government’s crackdown on free speech and freedom of ...

Palestinians have no responsibility for saving Jews from Western racism

Speech by "Not in our name" (NION) member, who grew up in Israel (Demo, March 16, Vienna): I’m here as an individual and also as part of Not In Our Name Vienna – a diverse group of individuals outraged at what is happening in Gaza and at over 75 years of colonialism and separatism in Palestine. I am a fraction of the group who identify as Jewish. I also grew up under the Israeli government. I know firsthand about the indoctrination of the education system, the media, the government, and the Zionist regime. I know firsthand how it creates a society filled with fear, anger, and ...
Not in our name, Vienna, March 16, 2024

Statement by Palestine Solidarity Austria on the attacks on the member organization Dar al Janub (House of the South)

The Palestinian people have the human right to self-determination −− and thus also the human right to political representation. We received this statement from Palestine Solidarity Austria. To understand the importance of the current developments, one should be aware that Austria, a country of 9 million residents of whom 17% are non-citizens, had been neutral regarding military pacts since the end of World War II. That means that even though it was a capitalist country and part of the imperialist world, unlike Western Germany and now Germany, Austria was not a member of NATO and ...

Human Rights Group Denounce Israeli Persecution of Ameer Makhoul

Israel is intensifying its crackdown on Palestinian Civil Society. As a result, Addameer (the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association) has submitted an urgent appeal to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders on behalf of Ameer Makhoul. Mr. Makhoul is a Palestinian citizen of Israel. He was arrested at his home in Haifa on May 6th and detained by Israel since then at an interrogation centre.   The appeal seeks immediate intervention by the UN body and argues that Mr Makhoul’s arrest and detention and a recent order banning him ...

Latest News on the Gaza Aid Flotilla

From Viva Palestina's Crew Member Kevin Ovenden At 08.50 am today we are awaiting the arrival of the European parliamentarians, who begin to shuttle from Northern Cyprus to our staging ground in international waters to the south of the island where they will board the lead ship. The decision by the Greek Cypriot government not only not to allow the flotilla to harbour there, but also to object to, and twice prevent, the departure of a parliamentary delegation directly by sea to join the convoy is creating something of a scandal in Greece and beyond. Cyprus recently elected its ...


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