Dareen Tatour is a Palestinian poet from Al-Reineh near Nazareth in the Galilee.

Dareen Tatour is a Palestinian poet from Al-Reineh near Nazareth in the Galilee.

She was arrested on October 10, 2015, spent more than 3 months in prison and is now held “deported” in house arrest under harsh conditions.

Her trial, for a poem and few posts on Facebook, started on Wednesday, April 13.

The case didn’t receive adequate public attention. Public solidarity can still help – especially now as the trial is taking place.

A comprehensive description of the case in English https://freehaifa.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/poetic-injustice-free-palestinian-poet-dareen-tatour/


And a lively description of the 1^st court hearing in Hebrew

שוטר שמתרגם שירים: פיוט או סיוט?


Please help spread the word and do whatever you can to help Dareen to get back her freedom.