The Freedom Flotilla Coalition Condemns Israeli Attacks on Gaza, Ongoing Blockade, and International Complicity

The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (with participation from England, France, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, USA, Canada and Australia) condemns the ongoing Israeli military assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, denounces the failure of the international community to stop the assault, and renews its opposition to the Israeli economic blockade on Palestinians in Gaza as well as the collaboration of other governments.


We note that the demand to lift the blockade is a central feature of talks on ending the violence, and urge governments who reject the blockade to use their influence now to ensure that an agreement that ends the violence, also ends the destructive blockade.



We hereby announce that we are planning another flotilla in the near future, to challenge the blockade of Gaza , with participants from around the world. We announce our intention to sail back from Gaza carrying Palestinian exports, continuing the work of Gaza’s Ark.


We are a peaceful civil society initiative, acting out of solidarity with the Palestinian people, independently from any government. Contrary to recent media reports, we have not asked for military escort, have no intention to, and will not sail with a military escort.


The Mavi Marmara – the lead ship in the 2010 Freedom Flotilla, which bore the brunt of the Israeli naval assault and on which nine Turkish citizens and a U.S. citizen were killed by Israel – will soon be ready to join the flotilla with hundreds of peace activists from all around the world on board.


More news on our plans will be available in a few weeks. We urge our supporters around the world to stay alert for updates and to ready themselves to join and escalate our campaign to bring down the Israeli blockade of Gaza.


Freedom Flotilla Coalition:


European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza


International Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza (ICBSG)


Freedom Flotilla Italia


Gaza’s Ark




Rumbo a Gaza


Ship to Gaza Greece


Ship to Gaza Norway


Ship to Gaza Sweden


For more information:

Ehab Lotayef (Gaza’s Ark/Canada) +1 (514) 941-9792


David Heap  (Gaza’s Ark/Canada) +1 (519) 859-3579


Robert Naiman (Gaza’s Ark/USA) +1 (217) 979-2857


James Godfrey (Gaza’s Ark/Australia) +61 0424 340630


Zohar Chamberlain Regev (Rumbo a Gaza/Spain) +34 (647) 077-426


Dror Feiler (StG-Sweden) +46 (70) 285-5777


İzzet Shahin (IHH/Turkey) +90 (530) 341 2134