The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with other British organizations including Student societies, will launch the Third Palestine Memorial Week from 16th –23rd of January 2012

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with other British organizations including Student societies, will launch the Third Palestine Memorial Week from 16th –23rd of January 2012,  to commemorate the anniversary of all Palestinian victims, especially Gaza.  


Events will be held across many British cities and universities. The week will include a tour for the Norwegian doctor, Mads Gilbert, who lived and experienced Israeli aggression in Gaza. A number of lectures will be staged at UCL, Imperial, Manchester and Edinburgh Universities.


Additionally, a public event will be held at the British Parliament, where Dr Gilbert will speak about the medical conditions in Gaza. Also, MPs and other speakers will talk at the same event.


Palestinians continue to suffer and this year, due to the economic downturn and instability in the region, there is added pressure on Palestinian refugee communities around the world. Memorial week is an opportunity to discuss the past, present and future details on the question of Palestine.


The week aims at raising awareness of the Palestinian issue and provides details of historical injustices, current crises and future resolutions. It also aims at informing and teaching the public about the importance of this issue now just for Palestinians but the region and the world at large.


The Memorial Week is a chance to commemorate the Palestinians victims over the past 63 years on the global level. Also, it coincides with the 3rd anniversary of Gaza onslaught.


PRC will mark the occasion through national newspapers. It will display Photo Galleries about Gaza, Palestinian Prisoners, Apartheid and the Nakba. Thousands of leaflets and media materials will be distributed nationwide. Additionally, movies about Palestine, flags and other gifts will be distributed.