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Obama’s speech: The Art of Hypocrisy

4. October 2011

PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity), # 555, Sept. 30, 2011

The art of hypocrisy. Almost every statement in the passage concerning the Israeli-Palestinian issue was a lie. A blatant lie: the speaker knew it was a lie, and so did the audience. In essence, he sold the fundamental national interests of the United States of America for the chance of a second term.

No Occupation. No settlements. No June 1967 borders. No Naqba. No Palestinian children killed or frightened. It’s the straight right-wing Israeli propaganda line, pure and simple. The reasonable sheep must sit down with the reasonable wolf and decide what to have for dinner. Foreigners should not interfere.

Obama gave full service. A lady who provides this kind of service generally gets paid in advance. Barack Obama’s miserable performance was a nail in the coffin of America’s status as a superpower. In a way, it was a crime against the United States.

The State of Palestine will come into being. This week it was already clear that this is unavoidable. Obama will be forgotten, as will Netanyahu, Lieberman and the whole bunch.

Adapted from “Abu Mazen’s Gamble”, written by Israeli journalist Uri Avnery and published by Gush Shalom on Sept 24th, 2011. Available on line at: http://zope.gush-shalom.org/home/en/channels/avnery/1316806809/