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OCHA Report: 1,000 Palestinians Injured By Israeli Forces in 2010

3. November 2010

Palestine Monitor, November 1, 2010

The Office for The Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Protection of Civilians report announced this week that 1,000 Palestinians have now been injured by Israeli forces during 2010. The figure is a 38% increase on the last year’s total for the same time frame.


The landmark was reached during the most recent weekly demonstrations against the Separation Barrier, which have been responsible for around a quarter of injuries sustained this year. Friday in Nabi Saleh, north of Ramallah, saw 17 people injured by tear gas and rubber bullets used to disperse the protest. Three more casualties were taken in Bi’lin and Al Ma’asara.
Coincidentally, another landmark was reached in the West Bank last week with the 400th Palestinian resident displaced. 261 structures have been demolished in the West Bank this year, and another 39 in East Jerusalem. New stop work orders have been issued to inhabited residences in Jericho, Hebron and Bethlehem. An evacuation order was also given to a farm in Deir Istiya, Salfit Governorate


The same report announced that six more Gazan civilians were injured by Israeli forces last week. That takes the tally for this year to 216 in the strip, including 191 civilians. 54 have been killed, including 22 civilians since January.
OCHA expect a sharp spike in violence against Palestinian civilians during the olive harvest, currently taking place across the territories.


Read the full OCHA report on their website