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“Asian People’s Solidarity for Palestine”

14. October 2010

Resolutions and Demands

1) We the Asian People & Nations extend our solidarity to the courageous people of Palestine and endorse our support to the resistance against the Zionist Israeli occupation.


2) We call for the establishment of an Independent and Sovereign state of Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital.


3) We demand that the Israeli government immediately “End the Siege of Gaza” which is home to 1.5 million people. The brutal & inhuman siege is leading to a holocaust of the Gazan’s & is a grave crime against humanity. We demand the prosecution of the Israeli war criminals who were complicit if the genocidal Gaza War & thus call for the adoption & implementation of the “Richard Goldstone Report”.  


4) We support the Right of Return of the Refugees, who were the victims of a systematic and planned Zionist campaign of displacement, ethnic cleansing and genocide.


5) We call for the immediate dismantlement of all the Israeli Settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem. We also call for the immediate destruction of the Apartheid Wall which has created Bantustans across Palestine, whilst creating the largest open air prison-cum-concentration camp for its 2.5 million inhabitants. The Check Points in excess of 500, strewn across the West Bank, are a daily source of humiliation and violence for the beleaguered Palestinian populace and we call for their immediate dismantlement.  


6) We reaffirm that Zionism is Racism. We thus call for the reinstatement of UN resolution 3379 and call for its re-endorsement by the international community & the UN.  


7) Thus until Israel continues with its Colonial Occupation and implementation of its apartheid policies, we demand that the Government of all the Asian nations immediately end all political, economic, defense, military and intelligence ties, especially the purchase of Israeli armaments. We call upon the International community to boycott Apartheid Israel on similar terms that we had meted out to Apartheid South Africa.


8) The Israeli policy of targetted assassinations of the Palestinian leadership and the indiscriminate killing of civilians should be immediately be brought to a halt. Israel should immediately stop the destruction of Palestinian farmlands, house demolitions, brutalization, torture and its total control over water & other natural resources.  


9) We demand that Israel immediately release the more than 11,000 Palestinians languishing in Israeli prisons that also include a significant percentage of women and children.  


1O) The Masjid-i-Aqsa & the Qubattus Sakhra (Dome of the Rock) are being threatened by the Zionists as they seek to destroy the two mosques. We appeal to the International community to raise their voices against this nefarious design & protect the two Islamic sites along with the Christian Holy sites, which are the common heritage of all of Humanity.