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Condemn the Israeli Freedom Flotilla Massacre!

7. June 2010

Sign the Petition Now: http://www.iacenter.org/palestine/flotillamassacrepetition

Release All Detained Activists!


Deliver All the Confiscated Aid!


End U.S. Aid to Israel!



Be part of the international opposition to the blockade of Gaza. Make your voice heard! The International Action Center urges you to sign a petition demanding justice in the wake of Israel’s latest brutality — the massacre of 9 or more unarmed activists by the Israeli army in international waters north of Gaza. Your message will go to President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Congressional leaders, U.N. Secretary General Ban, members of the U.N. Security Council, U.N. member states, and the President, Prime Minister, and Cabinet of Israel along with Major media representatives and the International Red Cross.


The killed and wounded activists were part of a 750-member delegation on a six-boat flotilla attempting to bring humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza.


Representing 40 different countries and led by the Free Gaza Movement and Insani Yardim Vakfi, a Turkish organization, the flotilla carried some 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid, including medical and construction supplies. A recent World Health Organization report states that the health of Gaza’s population continues to deteriorate as a result of a three-year Israeli blockade — a form of collective punishment unleashed by Israel after Hamas took electoral power in the area.


Some 70 miles off the Israeli coast, Israeli naval vessels surrounded the convoy on May 31. In an act of piracy, masked Israeli commandoes slid down ropes from helicopters onto the largest of the ships. Journalists aboard the ship reported that the troops started firing before they even touched down. Passengers aboard the ship were waving white flags at the time of the invasion.


According to reports, the Israeli navy seized all six ships and have imprisoned or deported all the other participants.


Protests broke out around the world in condemnation of the massacre. In cities across the U.S., the IAC organized and participated in protests denouncing the U.S. for providing military and other material support to client-state Israel. The Obama administration has pledged at least $30 billion in military aid to Israel over the next 10 years.


While many Middle Eastern and European governments denounced the attack, the U.S. response was tepid. According to the New York Times, the White House released a statement expressing “regrets about the loss of life.” (May 31)


These continued attacks on the Palestinian people and their allies will only increase the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Indeed, the massacre has sparked a world-wide uprising of resistance to the blockade, and many more, larger aid flotillas are being organized to challenge this Israeli state-terrorist piracy. This most recent atrocity exposes not only the ruthlessness of the settler Israeli state — and the U.S. as its sponsor — but also shows the steadfastness and determination of people around the world to free Palestine. We must keep up the pressure to demand a free Palestine!


Sign the Petition Now: http://www.iacenter.org/palestine/flotillamassacrepetition


Petition Text:


To:  President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Congressional leaders, U.N. Secretary General Ban, members of the U.N. Security Council, U.N. member states, and the President, Prime Minister, and Cabinet of Israel


cc: Major media representatives, International Red Cross


Condemn the Israeli Freedom Flotilla Massacre!


Release All Activists Detained in Israeli Jails!


Deliver All the Confiscated Aid!


End All U.S. Aid to Israel!




I am writing to demand justice in the wake of Israel’s latest brutality — the massacre of 9 or more unarmed activists by the Israeli army in international waters north of Gaza. The activists were part of a 750-member delegation on the six-boat Gaza Freedom Flotilla attempting to bring humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza.


Representing 40 different countries and led by the Free Gaza Movement and Insani Yardim Vakfi, a Turkish organization, the flotilla carried some 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid, including medical and construction supplies. A recent World Health Organization report states that the health of Gaza’s population continues to deteriorate as a result of a three-year Israeli blockade — a form of collective punishment unleashed by Israel after Hamas took electoral power in the area.


Some 70 miles off the Israeli coast, Israeli naval vessels surrounded the convoy on May 31. In an act of piracy, masked Israeli commandoes slid down ropes from helicopters onto the largest of the ships. Journalists aboard the ship reported that the troops started firing before they even touched down. Passengers aboard the ship were waving white flags at the time of the invasion.


According to reports, the Israeli navy seized all six ships and have imprisoned or deported all the other participants.


Protests broke out around the world in condemnation of the massacre. In cities across the U.S., protests denounced the U.S. for providing military and other material support to client-state Israel. The Obama administration has pledged at least $30 billion in military aid to Israel over the next 10 years.


While many Middle Eastern and European governments denounced the attack, the U.S. response was tepid. According to the New York Times, the White House released a statement expressing “regrets about the loss of life.” (May 31) These continued attacks on the Palestinian people and their allies will only increase the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Indeed, the massacre has sparked a world-wide uprising of resistance to the blockade, and many more, larger aid flotillas are being organized to challenge this Israeli state-terrorist piracy. This most recent atrocity exposes not only the ruthlessness of the settler Israeli state — and the U.S. as its sponsor — but also shows the steadfastness and determination of people around the world to free Palestine.





(your signature will be added here)


Sign the Petition Now: http://www.iacenter.org/palestine/flotillamassacrepetition