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Online Petition for the 2nd Haifa Conference

18. May 2010

For the return of the Palestinian refugees and the establishment of a democratic secular state in historic Palestine

We, the undersigned, support the call of the preparatory committee of the 2nd Haifa conference for the return of the Palestinian refugees and for the establishment of a democratic secular state in historic Palestine.


  • Stop ethnic cleansing. For the return of the Palestinian refugees to all the areas from which they were expelled.
  • Put an end to all forms of occupation, Apartheid, racism, discrimination and oppression. The Palestinian people should re-unite and live as a free nation in their homeland.
  • The returning refugees and all the residents of Palestine will live in one democratic state, without discrimination. This state will ensure human rights, equality, prosperity and full participation in building the new society for all its citizens. To ensure these rights, the prospective state will adopt a constitution that will prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, class or any other reason.


We support the call for building an international coalition to achieve these goals.


Sign online: http://www.petitiononline.com/ror1stat/petition.html