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The second Haifa Conference

2. March 2010

For the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and for the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine 28-30/5/2010

Call for participation in the preparations


For more than a hundred years, our Palestinian people suffer from the robbery of their national and human rights. The majority of Palestinians are refugees dispersed all around the world. Gaza, which stands strong in its resistance to the occupation, is subjected to intense criminal siege. The racist occupation regime continues is campaign of ethnic cleansing against our people all around the country by way of confiscations, demolishing houses and villages, the confiscation of identity papers and prevention of residency rights, the prevention of marriage and denial of family unification, and the building of walls and settlements. All of us suffer from oppression, discrimination and subjugation in all aspects of life under a brutal racist regime.


Our Palestinian people registered heroic pages in the struggle to defend their legitimate rights, first and foremost the right of return, till they became to symbolize sacrifice for freedom on both Arab and International level. The Israeli response was always severe oppression and more wars. Last year’s campaign of massacres against our people in the Gaza Strip is a blatant example… Their aggression and occupation are not limited to Palestine, but also hit other Arab peoples and countries. The danger of an all out war is still threatening the security of the region and world peace.


Year after year we see how the so called “peace process” is only camouflage for the imperialist political projects. This process doesn’t contribute in any way for the restoration of the robbed rights of our people. It is only designed to support the racist Zionist regime as it acts to perpetuate the occupation and to prevent the return of the refugees.


The only program for the relieving of the suffering of our people and for a solution of the conflict is the restoration of the patriotic and national rights of the Palestinian people, the adoption of the principles of democracy and human rights as the base for a solution and rejection of and resistance to ethnic cleansing, oppression and racism. It means the return of all Palestinian refugees to all the areas from which they were expelled and the constitution of one democratic secular state on all of the Palestinian national soil.


On 20-21/6/2008, the first Haifa conference for the right of return and the democratic secular state in Palestine was convened. It aroused a lot of interest and was widely welcomed among political and social activist and militants that resist Zionism from within (in the part of Palestine that was occupied since 1948), Arab and Jews, as well as on a wider Palestinian, Arab and International level. Following the success of this conference we are determined to continue on the way to achieve its lofty goal, toward the establishment of an international coalition that will support this program.


Abnaa elBalad movement, as the initiator of the convening of the first Haifa conference, calls on all interested parties, groups and individuals to cooperate for the success of the second conference. You are invited to take part in the preparations for the conference, to raise suggestions concerning the conference’s program, to take part in and organize preparatory events and workshops, to mobilize for the conference and to actively take part in it.

Together on the road

The Central Committee of the Abna el Balad movement


Please call us through:

  • Sahar Abdo +972-52-836-5221
  • Yoav Bar +972-54-479-0989


The Abnaa elBalad site


The site of the 1st Haifa conference
