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Gaza Freedom Marchers issue the “Cairo Declaration” to end Israeli Apartheid

3. January 2010

For immediate release, January 1, 2010 (Cairo) Gaza Freedom Marchers approved today a declaration aimed at accelerating the global campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli Apartheid.

Roughly 1400 activists from 43 countries converged in Cairo on their way to Gaza to join with Palestinians marching to break Israel’s illegal siege. They were prevented from entering Gaza by the Egyptian authorities.


As a result, the Freedom Marchers remained in Cairo. They staged a series of nonviolent actions aimed at pressuring the international community to end the siege as one step in the larger struggle to secure justice for Palestinians throughout historic Palestine.


This declaration arose from those actions:



End Israeli Apartheid


Cairo Declaration


January 1, 2010



We, international delegates meeting in Cairo during the Gaza Freedom March 2009 in collective response to an initiative from the South African delegation, state:


In view of:


o     Israel’s ongoing collective punishment of Palestinians through the illegal occupation and siege of Gaza;


o     the illegal occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the continued construction of the illegal Apartheid Wall and settlements;


o     the new Wall under construction by Egypt and the US which will tighten even further the siege of Gaza;


o     the contempt for Palestinian democracy shown by Israel, the US, Canada, the EU and others after the Palestinian elections of 2006;


o     the war crimes committed by Israel during the invasion of Gaza one year ago;


o     the continuing discrimination and repression faced by Palestinians within Israel;


o     and the continuing exile of millions of Palestinian refugees;


o     all of which oppressive acts are based ultimately on the Zionist ideology which underpins Israel;


o     in the knowledge that our own governments have given Israel direct economic, financial, military and diplomatic support and allowed it to behave with impunity;


o     and mindful of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (2007)


We reaffirm our commitment to:


Palestinian Self-Determination


Ending the Occupation


Equal Rights for All within historic Palestine


The full Right of Return for Palestinian refugees



We therefore reaffirm our commitment to the United Palestinian call of July 2005 for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) to compel Israel to comply with international law.


To that end, we call for and wish to help initiate a global mass, democratic anti-apartheid movement to work in full consultation with Palestinian civil society to implement the Palestinian call for BDS.


Mindful of the many strong similarities between apartheid Israel and the former apartheid regime in South Africa, we propose:


1)     An international speaking tour in the first 6 months of 2010 by Palestinian and South African trade unionists and civil society activists, to be joined by trade unionists and activists committed to this programme within the countries toured, to take mass education on BDS directly to the trade union membership and wider public internationally;


2)     Participation in the Israeli Apartheid Week in March 2010;


3)     A systematic unified approach to the boycott of Israeli products, involving consumers, workers and their unions in the retail, warehousing, and transportation sectors;


4)     Developing the Academic, Cultural and Sports boycott;


5)     Campaigns to encourage divestment of trade union and other pension funds from companies directly implicated in the Occupation and/or the Israeli military industries;


6)     Legal actions targeting the external recruitment of soldiers to serve in the Israeli military, and the prosecution of Israeli government war criminals; coordination of Citizen’s Arrest Bureaux to identify, campaign and seek to prosecute Israeli war criminals; support for the Goldstone Report and the implementation of its recommendations;


7)     Campaigns against charitable status of the Jewish National Fund (JNF).


We appeal to organisations and individuals committed to this declaration to sign it and work with us to make it a reality.


Please e-mail us at cairodec@gmail.com


Signed by:


(* Affiliation for identification purposes only.)


1.         Hedy Epstein, Holocaust Survivor/ Women in Black*, USA


2.         Nomthandazo Sikiti, Nehawu, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Affiliate International Officer*, South Africa


3.         Zico Tamela, Satawu, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Affiliate International Officer*, South Africa


4.         Hlokoza Motau, Numsa, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Affiliate International Officer*, South Africa


5.         George Mahlangu, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Campaigns Coordinator*, South Africa


6.         Crystal Dicks, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Education Secretary*, South Africa


7.         Savera Kalideen, SA Palestinian Solidarity Committee*, South Africa


8.         Suzanne Hotz, SA Palestinian Solidarity Group*, South Africa


9.         Shehnaaz Wadee, SA Palestinian Solidarity Alliance*, South Africa


10.         Haroon Wadee, SA Palestinian Solidarity Alliance*, South Africa


11.         Sayeed Dhansey, South Africa


12.         Faiza Desai, SA Palestinian Solidarity Alliance*, South Africa


13.         Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada*, USA


14.         Hilary Minch, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Committee*, Ireland


15.         Anthony Loewenstein, Australia


16.         Sam Perlo-Freeman, United Kingdom


17.         Julie Moentk, Pax Christi*, USA


18.         Ulf Fogelström, Sweden


19.         Ann Polivka, Chico Peace and Justice Center*, USA


20.         Mark Johnson, Fellowship of Reconciliation*, USA


21.         Elfi Padovan, Munich Peace Committee*/Die Linke*, Germany


22.         Elizabeth Barger, Peace Roots Alliance*/Plenty I*, USA


23.         Sarah Roche-Mahdi, CodePink*, USA


24.         Svetlana Gesheva-Anar, Bulgaria


25.         Cristina Ruiz Cortina, Al Quds-Malaga*, Spain


26.         Rachel Wyon, Boston Gaza Freedom March*, USA


27.         Mary Hughes-Thompson, Women in Black*, USA


28.         David Letwin, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)*, USA


29.         Jean Athey, Peace Action Montgomery*, USA


30.         Gael Murphy, Gaza Freedom March*/CodePink*, USA


31.         Thomas McAfee, Journalist/PC*, USA


32.         Jean Louis Faure, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)*, France


33.         Timothy A King, Christians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East*, USA


34.         Gail Chalbi, Palestine/Israel Justice Project of the Minnesota United Methodist Church*, USA


35.         Ouahib Chalbi, Palestine/Israel Justice Project of the Minnesota United Methodist Church*, USA


36.         Greg Dropkin, Liverpool Friends of Palestine*, England


37.         Felice Gelman, Wespac Peace and Justice New York*/Gaza Freedom March*, USA


38.         Ron Witton, Australian Academic Union*, Australia


39.         Hayley Wallace, Palestine Solidarity Committee*, USA


40.         Norma Turner, Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign*, England


41.         Paula Abrams-Hourani, Women in Black (Vienna)*/ Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East*, Austria


42.         Mateo Bernal, Industrial Workers of the World*, USA


43.         Mary Mattieu, Collectif Urgence Palestine*, Switzerland


44.         Agneta Zuppinger, Collectif Urgence Palestine*, Switzerland


45.         Ashley Annis, People for Peace*, Canada


46.         Peige Desgarlois, People for Peace*, Canada


47.         Hannah Carter, Canadian Friends of Sabeel*, Canada


48.         Laura Ashfield, Canadian Friends of Sabeel*, Canada


49.         Iman Ghazal, People for Peace*, Canada


50.         Filsam Farah, People for Peace*, Canada


51.         Awa Allin, People for Peace*, Canada


52.         Cleopatra McGovern, USA


53.         Miranda Collet, Spain


54.         Alison Phillips, Scotland


55.         Nicholas Abramson, Middle East Crisis Response Network*/Jews Say No*, USA


56.         Tarak Kauff, Middle East Crisis ResponseNetwork*/Veterans for Peace*, USA


57.         Jesse Meisler-Abramson, USA


58.         Hope Mariposa, USA


59.         Ivesa Lübben. Bremer Netzwerk fur Gerechten Frieden in Nahost*, Germany


60.         Sheila Finan, Mid-Hudson Council MERC*, USA


61.         Joanne Lingle, Christians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East (CPJME)*, USA


62.         Barbara Lubin, Middle East Children’s Alliance*, USA


63.         Josie Shields-Stromsness, Middle East Children’s Alliance*, USA


64.         Anna Keuchen, Germany


65.         Judith Mahoney Pasternak, WRL* and Indypendent*, USA


66.         Ellen Davidson, New York City Indymedia*, WRL*, Indypendent*, USA


67.         Ina Kelleher, USA


68.         Lee Gargagliano, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (Chicago)*, USA


69.         Brad Taylor, OUT-FM*, USA


70.         Helga Mankovitz, SPHR (Queen’s University)*, Canada


71.         Mick Napier, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign*, Scotland


72.         Agnes Kueng, Paso Basel*, Switzerland


73.         Anne Paxton, Voices of Palestine*, USA


74.         Leila El Abtah, The Netherlands


75.         Richard, Van der Wouden, The Netherlands


76.         Rafiq A. Firis, P.K.R.*/Isra*, The Netherlands


77.         Sandra Tamari, USA


78.         Alice Azzouzi, Way to Jerusalem*, USA


79.         J’Ann Schoonmaker Allen, USA


80.         Ruth F. Hooke, Episcopalian Peace Fellowship*, USA


81.         Jean E. Lee, Holy Land Awareness Action Task Group of United Church of Canada*, Canada


82.         Delphine de Boutray, Association Thèâtre Cine*, France


83.         Sylvia Schwarz, USA


84.         Alexandra Safi, Germany


85.         Abdullah Anar, Green Party – Turkey*, Turkey


86.         Ted Auerbach, USA


87.         Martha Hennessy, Catholic Worker*, USA


88.         Louis Ultale, Interfaile Pace e Bene*, USA


89.         Leila Zand, Fellowship of Reconciliation*, USA


90.         Emma Grigore, CodePink*, USA


91.         Sammer Abdelela, New York Community of Muslim Progressives*, USA


92.         Sharat G. Lin, San Jose Peace and Justice Center*, USA


93.         Katherine E. Sheetz, Free Gaza*, USA


94.         Steve Greaves, Free Gaza*, USA


95.         Trevor Baumgartner, Free Gaza*, USA


96.         Hanan Tabbara, USA


97.         Marina Barakatt, CodePink*, USA


98.         Keren Bariyov, USA


99.         Ursula Sagmeister, Women in Black – Vienna*, Austria


100.         Ann Cunningham, Australia


101.         Bill Perry, Delaware Valley Veterans for Peace*, USA


102.         Terry Perry, Delaware Valley Veterans for Peace*, USA


103.         Athena Viscusi, USA


104.         Marco Viscusi, USA


105.         Paki Wieland, Northampton Committee*, USA


106.         Manijeh Saba, New York / New Jersey, USA


107.         Ellen Graves, USA


108.         Zoë Lawlor, Ireland – Palestine Solidarity Campaign*, Ireland


109.         Miguel García Grassot, Al Quds – Málaga*, Spain


110.         Ana Mamora Romero, ASPA-Asociacion Andaluza Solidaridad y Paz*, Spain


111.         Ehab Lotayef, CJPP Canada*, Canada


112.         David Heap, London Anti-War*, Canada


113.         Adie Mormech, Free Gaza* / Action Palestine*, England


114.         Aimee Shalan, UK


115.         Liliane Cordova, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)*, Spain


116.         Priscilla Lynch, USA


117.         Jenna Bitar, USA


118.         Deborah Mardon, USA


119.         Becky Thompson, USA


120.         Diane Hereford, USA


121.         David Heap, People for Peace London*, Canada


122.         Donah Abdulla, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights*, Canada


123.         Wendy Goldsmith, People for Peace London*, Canada


124.         Abdu Mihirig, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights-UBC*, Canada


125.         Saldibastami, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights-UBC*, Canada


126.         Abdenahmane Bouaffad, CMF*, France


127.         Feroze Mithiborwala, Awami Bharat*, India


128.         John Dear, Pax Christi*, USA


129.         Ziyaad Lunat, Portugal


130.         Michael Letwin, New York City Labor Against the War (NYCLAW)


131.          Labor For Palestine