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99 Israeli and International Feminist Organizations to the British Government: Enable Prosecution of Israeli War Criminals

26. December 2009

99 feminist peace organizations, from 25 countries, among them 20 Israeli and Palestinian organizations, sent a letter this morning (Tuesday, December 22, 2009) to the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and to the British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, demanding that they not restrict the principle of universal jurisdiction in the UK.  Universal Jurisdiction enables national courts to prosecute foreign war criminals – among them Ehud Olmet, Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni and other high ranking Israeli officials – who are responsible for the war in Gaza last year.


The letter was initiated by the Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP), an Israeli feminist organization that was founded in 2000 and is a leading voice in the Israeli anti-occupation movement. The letter was sent following Gordon and Miliband’s recent declarations that they will restrict universal jurisdiction in the UK – following an arrest warrant issued last week by a London court against Tzipi Livni, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs during the war in Gaza.


The signatories claim that the Goldstone Report raises serious suspicions regarding systematic and intentional execution of war crimes during the war in Gaza (Opearting Cast Lead). The letter asks Brown and Miliband to “defend and maintain the important principle of universal jurisdiction, despite political pressures by war criminals and their allies.”


The organizations further claim that restricting universal jurisdiction sets a dangerous precedent in the prosecution of war criminals from around the world. They stated: “As feminist organizations, we regard this as an act of collaboration with violence against women, since women and girls are particularly susceptible to poverty, displacement and marginalization in times of war, and are more frequently subjected to domestic violence, sexual abuse and rape.”


Eilat Maoz, CWP General Coordinator, said: “We reach out to the international community aiming to protect the people of our region, Palestinians and Israelis alike, from war criminals that still walk freely among us. As Israelis, we have an important role in supporting the international pressure on Israel. The vast response to our call demonstrates that the international community has lost its patience to the Israeli occupation.”


Lana Khaskia, CWP General Coordinator, said: “We all witness the growing international public pressure, which influences governments around the world to act. This was the case in the recent decision to label settlement produce in the UK, and in recent successes of the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. We see ourselves as a part of this international movement, which calls upon Israel to end the occupation at once.”  


The letter with the full list of signatories is attached


For further information:

Yoana Gonen, CWP International Relations Coordinator, Tel:



Eilat Maoz, CWP General Coordinator, Tel: +972-50-8575729





December 22, 2009                

Prime Minister Gordon Brown

Foreign Secretary David Miliband


Re: Maintain Universal Jurisdiction and Enable the Prosecution of War Criminals        


We, international feminist peace and human rights organizations, are writing to you following recent reports regarding your government’s intention to undermine the principle of universal jurisdiction, a decision that will diminish the power of the international community to intervene in situations of severe human rights violations and crimes against humanity.


Universal jurisdiction is an essential legal device, symbolizing the responsibility of the global community to prevent crimes against humanity wherever they occur, to bring justice to the victims and to protect the citizens of the world from tyranny, persecution and institutionalized violence. The United Kingdom played an instrumental role in establishing these principles in the aftermath of the Second World War, and should commit itself to protecting and maintaining them. The British government’s intent to undermine universal jurisdiction sets a dangerous precedent in defending criminal government officials rather than the victims of their crimes.


As feminist organizations, we regard your attempt to undermine universal jurisdiction as an act of collaboration with violence against women. Socially disadvantaged groups, such as women and ethnic minorities, are more severely affected in situations of war and conflict. Women and girls are particularly susceptible to poverty, displacement and marginalization in times of war, and are more frequently subjected to domestic violence, sexual abuse and rape.



As Palestinian, Israeli and international women, we call on the international community to pressure Israel to follow the recommendations of the Goldstone Report. Today, one year after the Israeli assault on Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, Israel has yet to conduct a thorough, independent and reliable investigation of the war crimes it has committed. The international community is obligated to act in order to ensure that Israel will comply with international human rights and humanitarian law. Issuing arrest warrants against Israeli officials responsible for war crimes against the Palestinian people, among them Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni, is an important means to this end.


The right of national courts to prosecute foreign war criminals for atrocities committed abroad is a central enforcement mechanism in international law. Undermining their ability to do so will be a devastating blow to international human rights and will hinder attempts to bring just peace to the Middle East and to other conflict regions around the world.


We urge you to maintain and secure the important principle of universal jurisdiction, despite political pressures by war criminals and their allies.


99 Signatories:


Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP) – Israel



Addameer – Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association –

Ramallah, Palestine



AlDeer Association, Palestinian Women of Wadi Ara – Israel


Al-Haq – Ramallah, Palestine



Assiwar – Arab Feminist Movement in Support of Victims of Sexual Abuse – Israel



BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within – Israel



International Women’s Peace Service (IWPS) – Palestine



Movement of Democratic Women in Israel (TANDI) – Israel



New Profile – Israel



Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy – Ramallah, Palestine



Palestinian Union of Progressive Women, Balad (National Democratic Assembly) – Israel


Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development – Ramallah, Palestine



Social TV – Israel



The Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free of Atomic, Biological and Chemical Weapons – Israel


The Raging Grannies – Israel

Women in Black – Israel


Women in Black of Tel Aviv – Israel


Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Israel Section – Israel


Yesh Gvul – Israeli Support Group for Refuseniks of the Occupation and War Crimes – Israel



Zochrot (“Remembering”) – Israel



Ain o Salish kendra (ASK) – Bangladesh



Association pour la Reconnaissance des Droits et Libertés à la Femme Musulmane (ARDLFM) – France



Associazione federativa femminista internazionale – Casa internazionale delle donne – Rome, Italy


Autonomous Women’s Center – Belgrade, Serbia



Canadian Voice of Women for Peace – Toronto, Canada



Casa Baltimore/Limay, Baltimore Committee – Maryland, USA



CODEPINK Women for Peace – USA



CODEPINK Greater Boston – Massachusetts, USA

Collectif des féministes pour l’égalité (CFPE) – France

Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Paix – Strasbourg, France


Djazairouna – des Familles Victimes du Terrorisme Islamiste – Alegeria


European Feminist Initiative (IFE-EFI) – International Network



Fairchance Consultancy – UK


French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP) – France



Global Sisterhood Network – International Network



Global Women’s Strike – International Network


Global Women’s Strike – Ireland


Global Women’s Strike – USA


Gramya Resource Center for Women – Hyderabad, India



Institute for Feminism and Religion – Dublin, Ireland



International Civilian Missions to Palestine (CCIPP) – France



International Prostitutes Collective – International Network



International Wages Due Lesbians – International Network

http://www.allwomencount.net/EWC LesbianBi/IWDL.htm


International Wages for Housework Campaign – International Network


Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East – Austria


Jewish Voice for Peace – USA



Jüdische Stimme für Gerechten Frieden in Nahost (Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East – EJJP) – Germany



l’Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) Paris Centre – Paris, France


Legal Action for Women – UK and USA

http://www.allwomencount.net/EWC LAW/womenagainstlaw.htm


Marea – Feminist Quarterly – Italy



Mersinia Art Center – Ayia Napa, Cyprus


MRAP – Movement Against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples – Paris, France



News from Nowhere Co-operative – Liverpool, UK



Nijera Kori (“We Do It Ourselves”) – Bangladesh



Office of the Americas, Los Angeles, California – USA



Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) – UK


Rural Women’s Movement (RWM) in the province of KwaZulu Natal – South Africa


Saheli Women’s Resource Centre – New Delhi, India


Scottish Women Against Pornography – Scotland, UK


Secularism Is A Women’s Issue (SIAWI) – International network



Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund – Sheffield, UK


Senza Paura – Restiamo Umani – Genova, Italy


Single Mothers Self Defence – UK


South Asians for Human Rights – Colombo, Sri Lanka



Southall Black Sisters – UK



The Kolo: Women’s Cross Cultural Collaboration – Olympia, Washington, USA



The Network Against Honour-Related Violence – Sweden



Women Against Fundamentalism (WAF) – UK



Women for Justice – Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada


Women for Palestine – Australia



Women for Peace – Switzerland



Women in Black of Caen – France


Women in Black of Lyon – France


Women in Black (Les femmes en noir) of Paris – France


Women in Black of Strasbourg – France

Women in Black – Italy


Women in Black of Rome – Italy


Women in Black of Turin – Italy


Women in Black of Venice – Italy

Women in Black of Belgrade – Serbia



Women in Black of Mallorca – Spain


Women in Black (Vrouwen in het zwart) of Maastricht – The Netherlands



Women in Black of London – UK


Women in Black of Sheffield – UK


Bay Area Women in Black – California, USA



Women in Black of Amherst – Massachusetts, USA


Women in Black of Union Square, New York City – New York, USA


Women in Black of Seattle – Washington, USA


Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP) – Toronto, Canada


Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) – International Network



Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike – Guyana


Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike – USA


Women Solidarity for an Independent and Unified Iraq – UK



Women Will Association (WWA) – Baghdad, Iraq



Women’s Commission of the Socialist Party –  USA


Women’s Initiative for Citizenship and Universal Rights (WICUR) – Paris, France


Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) – International Network



Women’s Welfare Center – Pune, India


World March of Women, International Secretariat – International Network
