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Palestinians seek new Leadership, independence

11. October 2009

Gaza, October 8, 2009 (Pal Telegraph)

Gaza, October 8, 2009 (Pal Telegraph) – Palestinian Return Center (PRC) held an urgent meeting in London, yesterday evening, to discuss the consequences of the withdrawal of the Goldstone report before submitting it to UN Human Rights Council of the United Nations. The meeting also discussed the needed and required Palestinian united position in response. A number of Palestinian Organizations, politicians and academics participated in the meeting where a constructive discussion took place for nearly 2 hours.


The participants came out with a number of recommendations in an attempt to face the recent challenges facing the Palestinians.


They have strongly condemned the Palestinian Authority for its “harassing” decision and requested an immediate accountability against those responsible.


“We call for immediate general elections that include all Palestinians in the occupied Palestine and outside. The elections would lead to form a new Palestinian National council that will elect a new leadership and executive committee to lead the Palestinian nation towards getting its rights and demands.” Participants said


The Palestinian Unity was on the agenda as they have considered it is key and strategic objective towards achieving Palestinian goals and gaining back all rights. According to them, “Palestinian entire unity is a priority on basis of holding all responsible people accountable for their gross and flagrant mistakes against their people and their rights.”


We call on all Palestinians to keep defending Jerusalem particularly after the last Israeli attacks and attempts to crack down the Palestinian existence in the city through the Judaizing policy.


Palestinians, from all factions including members of Fatah party, have strongly criticized the Goldstone vote postponement, holding Abbas responsible for the decision which was in their view a flagrant mistake.


It’s remarkable that the Goldstone report issued late in September identifies war crimes committed during Israel’s war on Gaza between last December and January. Israel was about to be criminalized but the postponement of the report would emphasize its abilities to sneak out from accountability.


Israeli launched a full-scale offensive in Gaza that left at least 1,400 Palestinians killed and over 5000 injured. The entire infrastructure in Gaza was destroyed as Israeli attacks targeted schools, hospitals, streets, water wills, sewage system, farms and police stations.




PT Reporter in London