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Hunger Strike at Rafah Border

18. June 2009

by The International Campaign to Open the Rafah Border, June 16, 2009

Contact: Don Bryant 0020 177543411 English


Christian Chantegrel 0020 0197490757 French

The International Movement to Open the Rafah Border (IMORB) is into
the fourth day of a sit-in at the Rafah Gate. The group consists of
Christian Chantegrel, Portugal; Micheline Garreau, Jacque Denko, Laila
Mami France; Paki Wieland, Ellen Graves, and Don Bryant, USA and an
Egyptian journalist, Iman Badawi. A German woman, Alona, and her six
Palestinian children, aged 2-12, have joined the sit-in camp because
they were denied entrance to Gaza and a reunion with Alona’s husband
and three older children.

The IMORB activists are demanding an end to the siege of Gaza that has
been in place over two years, and maintained by Israel, the Palestinian
Authority, and Egypt with the support of superpowers like Europe and
the US.

Today, three of the group have begun a hunger strike. “I was inspired
by a Palestinian Belgian, Mohammad, who joined our camp but was driven
away by border security late last night,” said Don Bryant of
Cleveland, Ohio, USA, who began to fast today. “Mohammad told me of a
17-day hunger strike he did with other prisoners in an Israeli prison.
They struck to gain simple accommodations in the prison. I am doing
the same to ask the US, Israel, Palestinian Authority and Egypt to
open the border to Gaza, so that 1.5 million Gazans can get food and
medicine, and can rebuild after Israeli military strikes that have
left the Gaza Strip decimated.”

Ellen Graves of West Springfield, MA and Paki Wieland of Northhampton,
MA are taking part in the hunger strike.

The IMORB plans to continue the sit-in and hunger strike until Alona’s
family and the hundreds of other Palestinians waiting in nearby El
Arish and Rafah, are allowed to enter Gaza. Many Gazans are anxious to
exit to Egypt as well. “We need the opening of the border for them to
freely pass in both directions,” reiterated Micheline Garreau of
Nantes, France.

The Egyptian population has offered support to the IMORB by giving
transportation, food and supplies. Palestinians in Gaza have been
sending text messages of support to the international activists.

The Egyptian police and border security are tolerating the IMORB sit-
in for now. People have reported that they have been restricted from
entering the area, today. Border officials have said the border will
be open for the sick and injured Palestinians on Wednesday.

For interviews or to speak with hunger strikers contact:

Don Bryant 0020 (0) 177543411 English

Christian Chantegrel 0020 (0)197490757 French

Paki Wieland 0020 (0) 187358621 – English

Iman Baddawi 00 20 (0) 19 791 07 53 (Arabic – English)