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The Peril of Forgetting Gaza

12. June 2009

Published On 6/3/2009 By SARA ROY

The recent meeting between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu generated speculation over the future relationship between America and Israel, and a potentially changed U.S. policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Analysts on the right and left are commenting on a new, tougher American policy characterized by strengthened U.S. demands on Israel. However, beneath the diplomatic choreography lies an agonizing reality that received only brief comment from Obama and silence from Netanyahu: The ongoing devastation of the people of Gaza.


Gaza is an example of a society that has been deliberately reduced to a
state of abject destitution, its once productive population transformed into
one of aid-dependent paupers. This context is undeniably one of mass
suffering, created largely by Israel but with the active complicity of the
international community, especially the U.S. and European Union, and the
Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.


Gaza’s subjection began long before Israel’s recent war against it. The Israeli occupation—now largely forgotten or denied by the international community—has devastated Gaza’s economy and people, especially since 2006.


Although economic restrictions actually increased before Hamas’ electoral
victory in January 2006, the deepened sanction regime and siege subsequently imposed by Israel and the international community, and later intensified in June 2007 when Hamas seized control of Gaza, has all but destroyed the local economy. If there has been a pronounced theme among the many Palestinians, Israelis, and internationals who I have interviewed in the last three years, it was the fear of damage to Gaza’s society and economy so profound that billions of dollars and generations of people would be required to address it—a fear that has now been realized.


After Israel’s December assault, Gaza’s already compromised conditions have become virtually unlivable. Livelihoods, homes, and public infrastructure have been damaged or destroyed on a scale that even the Israel Defense Forces admitted was indefensible. In Gaza today, there is no private sector to speak of and no industry. 80 percent of Gaza’s agricultural crops were destroyed and Israel continues to snipe at farmers attempting to plant and tend fields near the well-fenced and patrolled border. Most productive activity has been extinguished.


One powerful expression of Gaza’s economic demise—and the Gazans’
indomitable will to provide for themselves and their families—is its burgeoning tunnel economy that emerged long ago in response to the siege.



Thousands of Palestinians are now employed digging tunnels into Egypt—around 1,000 tunnels are reported to exist although not all are operational.
According to local economists, 90 percent of economic activity in Gaza—once
considered a lower middle-income economy (along with the West Bank)—is
presently devoted to smuggling.


Today, 96 percent of Gaza’s population of 1.4 million is dependent on
humanitarian aid for basic needs. According to the World Food Programme, the Gaza Strip requires a minimum of 400 trucks of food every day just to meet the basic nutritional needs of the population. Yet, despite a March 22nd decision by the Israeli cabinet to lift all restrictions on foodstuffs
entering Gaza, only 653 trucks of food and other supplies were allowed entry during the week of May 10, at best meeting 23 percent of required need.


Israel now allows only 30 to 40 commercial items to enter Gaza, compared to 4,000 approved products prior to June 2006. According to the Israeli
journalist Amira Hass, Gazans still are denied many commodities (a policy in effect long before the December assault): building materials (including wood for windows and doors), electrical appliances (such as refrigerators and washing machines), spare parts for cars and machines, fabrics, threads, needles, candles, matches, mattresses, sheets, blankets, cutlery, crockery, cups, glasses, musical instruments, books, tea, coffee, sausages, semolina, chocolate, sesame seeds, nuts, milk products in large packages, most baking products, light bulbs, crayons, clothing, and shoes.


Given these constraints, among many others—including the internal disarray of the Palestinian leadership—one wonders how the reconstruction to which Obama referred will be possible. There is no question that people must be helped immediately. Programs aimed at alleviating suffering and reinstating some semblance of normalcy are ongoing, but at a scale shaped entirely by the extreme limitations on the availability of goods. In this context of repressive occupation and heightened restriction, what does it mean to reconstruct Gaza? How is it possible under such conditions to empower people and build sustainable and resilient institutions able to withstand expected external shocks? Without an immediate end to Israel’s blockade and the resumption of trade and the movement of people outside the prison that Gaza has long been, the current crisis will grow massively more acute. Unless the U.S. administration is willing to exert real pressure on Israel for implementation—and the indications thus far suggest they are not—little will change. Not surprisingly, despite international pledges of $5.2 billion for Gaza’s reconstruction, Palestinians there are now rebuilding their homes using mud.


Recently, I spoke with some friends in Gaza, and the conversations were
profoundly disturbing. My friends spoke of the deeply felt absence of any
source of protection—personal, communal or institutional. There is little in
society that possesses legitimacy and there is a fading consensus on rules
and an eroding understanding of what they are for. Trauma and grief
overwhelm the landscape despite expressions of resilience. The feeling of
abandonment among people appears complete, understood perhaps in their growing inability to identify with any sense of possibility. The most
striking was this comment: “It is no longer the occupation or even the war that consumes us but the realization of our own irrelevance.”


What possible benefit can be derived from an increasingly impoverished,
unhealthy, densely crowded, and furious Gaza alongside Israel? Gaza’s
terrible injustice not only threatens Israeli and regional security, but it undermines America’s credibility, alienating our claim to democratic practice and the rule of law.


If Palestinians are continually denied what we want and demand for ourselves—an ordinary life, dignity, livelihood, safety, and a place where
they can raise their children—and are forced, yet again, to face the
destruction of their families, then the inevitable outcome will be greater and more extreme violence across all factions, both old and increasingly new. What looms is no less than the loss of entire generation of Palestinians. And if this happens—perhaps it already has—we shall all bear the cost.

Sara Roy is a senior research scholar at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University. She is the author of Failing Peace: Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.