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Palestinians in Europe to commemorate the 61 anniversary of Nakba “Catastrophe”

5. May 2009

Date: 30/4/2009, London, by Palestine Return Center PRC

After 61 years of the Palestinian Nakba. Palestinians still adhere to their rights and legacy which was intended to be destroyed in the past decades but never it never happened. Palestinian communities, institutions and associations all over European countries are preparing for the 7th Europe Conference in Milan, Italy by the 2nd of May 2009. A broad spectrum of leaders, Palestinian public figures and delegations will attend the conference. 

This year conference is entitled; “Right of return is nonnegotiable and will not be relinquished”. The message of the conference is to show the determination and adherence of all rights especially the right of return and independency. Thousands of Palestinian refugees and residents living in Europe are expected to attend.


The conference is being prepared and organized by the Secretariat of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe, and the Palestine Return Center (PRC) along with Palestinian assembly in Italy and several other institutions.

A number of Palestinian key figures, officials from the occupied Palestine as well as the Palestinian communities in Diaspora in Europe are expected to participate. Other European officials and highly-profiled figures expected to take part in the event.

European Parliament will be represented through Luisa Morgantina, vice president of EU parliament. British Member of Parliament, Jenny Tong, would attend as well.



The occupied territories would be represented by Mustafa Al-Bargouti, a Palestinian MP and secretary General of Palestinian Initiative. From the besieged Gaza Priest, Manuel Musalam, is predicted to participate.

Additionally, head of Islamic Movement in occupied Palestine Sheikh Raed Salah, Journalist Ghasa Bin Jido from Al Jazeera space channel, Palestinian writer-researcher Zeinat Abu Shawish, Doctor Muhammad Salem chair of Palestinian Doctors Assoication, Zinat and Doctor Salman Abu Sita chair of Palestine land committee would take place.


It’s worth mentioning that over the past years, the Europe Conference turned to be vast room for all Palestinians. It’s a mosaic-like that includes tens of Palestinian academics, thinkers, writers, activists, artists and journalists based in Europe.


The past conferences were of good organization and preparation that showed the adherence of the Right of Return. Those actions considered to be a way to bridge the gap between Palestinian generations and evoke the popular efforts in service of the cause.

The first conference was held in London 2003


The Second in Germany 2004


The Third in Austria 2005


The Forth in Sweden 2006


The Fifth in the Netherlands 2007


The Sixth in Denmark 2008


In the meantime, organizers are in race with time to hold the 7th conference in Milan, Italy. Thousands of people are expected to participate from the European countries as well as guests from Arab countries and occupied Palestine. A convoy of tens of trucks will leave for Gaza directly after the end of the conference organized by European Campaign to end siege on Gaza.


Contact Info:



1 Piazzale Carlo Stuparich, Milan20148 Italy, PALALIDO Hall, Northern West Milan, Milan City, Italy


For More Information:

Adel Abdallah, Secretary General of Europe Conference, Tel:  004369913811754




Majed El Zir, President of Europe Conference, Director of Return Center

Tel: 00442084530919
Email: info@prc.org.uk




Mhuammad Hanon, Chairman of Palestinian Assembly in Italy


Tel: 00393477604355
Email: info@abspp.org