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Gaza siege : More victims fall down, 3 persons died in 24 hours

10. June 2008

from Sameh A. Habeeb, Freelance Journalist based in Gaza, Palestine

Palestinian Medical sources reported today Saturday evening that 2 patients died. The new patients died due to the Israeli occupation measures resulted in the suffocating siege imposed a year ago.

The victim Lutfi Muhamad AL buhesiy,57, a Gaza resident was suffering from chronic heart disease. He tried several times to travel for treatment to Egypt and he obtained the permission, yet the closure blocked him until death.

As for the second victim, Fatima Al Maqusi, 48, suffering from kidney disease; she was not able to travel for treatment. Accordingly, her health status deteriorated rapidly to death.

Yesterday, Rania Thabet,20, another patient died due to shortage of medicine and Israeli ban to let her leave for treatment.

Since the start of siege on Gaza; Israeli strictly prevented Palestinian patients to leave for treatment abroad. Additionally, it has firmly agreed on sending limited amounts of medicines and medical machines and its spare parts.

By the last three victims, the number has risen up to 183 in an obvious violation against all human and International laws.

Sameh A. Habeeb
Freelance Journalist based in Gaza, Palestine
Mob: 00972599306096
E-mail: Sam_hab@hotmail.com
Web: www.gazatoday.blogspot.com