Samstag, 20. März 2021, Wien

Internationale Aktion der Boykottbewegung gegen Israel
Die “Israelische Apartheidwoche” ist eine internationale Aktion der palästinensischen Boykottbewegung gegen Apartheid (BDS) nach dem südafrikanischen Vorbild. Besonders jetzt, wo Bundeskanzler Kurz ständig eine besondere Nähe zu Israel signalisiert, sei es beim autoritären Überwachungsstaat, sei es bei der Unterstützung des Kolonialismus und Chauvinismus, ist ein Zeichen der Solidarität besonders wichtig.
Samstag, 20. März 2021 um 18:00
Vor dem Weltmuseum, Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien
Racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and inequality continue to grow around the world. In recent months, we have seen how people in the Global South and people of color, political prisoners, unhoused people, migrants, and refugees, among many others, have suffered from the scourge of COVID19, which has further exacerbated their vulnerability.
We have also seen how millions of people around the world have taken to the streets to protest against systemic racism, patriarchal violence, climate injustice, neoliberal austerity, and economic inequality, among other oppressions that continue to suffocate us. These protests for long-denied justice have inspired us to keep resisting injustice, to continue dreaming of freedom, and to keep insisting on our rights, in a united global front against racism and oppression.
Now, more than ever, we need you, we need each other. We need all our voices united across the world to end racism, colonialism, and apartheid. Palestine remains a central testing ground for global repression. Israel’s apartheid regime tests its militaristic and racist ideologies, surveillance tools, and weapons of oppression and racial domination on Palestinian bodies and society for export to the world as “field-tested.” These tools end up aggravating the militarized and racial oppression in many countries around the world, from fortress Europe to the US, from India to Myanmar, from Brazil and Honduras to South Sudan and Rwanda, and far beyond.
For the last 17 years, IAW has been organized around the globe to protest some of these injustices and to advocate for Palestinian freedom, justice, and equality as part of the struggle to attain our indivisible justice. Let’s continue to weave ever more powerful networks of hope and mutual, intersectional solidarity. Together we are unstoppable.