Filmabend im Amerlinghaus
Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Wien

Donnerstag, 11. September 2008, 19:00 Uhr


Von Mohammed Alatar („The Iron Wall“)

Filmabend im Amerlinghaus
Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Wien

Donnerstag, 11. September 2008, 19:00 Uhr

“JERUSALEM…THE EAST SIDE STORY“Von Mohammed Alatar („The Iron Wall“)

Palästina 2007, 57 Minuten, arabisch mit englischen Untertiteln
„The air above Jerusalem is filled with prayers and dreamsLike air above cities with heavy industryHard to breatheFrom time to time a new shipment of history arrives” Yehuda Amichai The latest shipment of history is the Israeli occupation. In 1948, the western part of the city fell under Israeli control; in 1967, the eastern part fell under Israeli occupation. Since then, Israel has pursued a policy to drive Palestinian Muslims and Christians out of the city; denying their presence, history, and ties to the land. The documentary takes you on a journey exposing Israel’s policy to gain supremacy and hegemony over the city and its inhabitants. It also touches on the future of the city: Jerusalem is the key to peace, without Jerusalem, there is no peace for anyone. The film includes interviews with Palestinian and Israeli leaders, human rights activists and political analysts.

Veranstaltet von den Frauen in Schwarz (Wien)
in Kooperation mit dem
Verein Kulturzentrum Spittelberg

Eintritt frei. Spenden erbeten.